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Offers a variety of wellness and exercise programs that help to reduce stress, develop greater stamina, increase strength and flexibility, improve balance and/or strengthen bones. Programs may include T'ai Chi, light weight workouts, and seated exercise programs.
Offers a variety of wellness and exercise programs that help to reduce stress, develop greater stamina, increase strength and flexibility, improve balance and/or strengthen bones. Programs may include T'ai Chi, light weight workouts, and seated exercise programs.
Wellness Programs
Physical Fitness
Fall Prevention Programs
Offers a variety of health and wellness activities, including Tai Chi classes, multi-generational activities, as well as informational and educational presentations relevant to senior health and wellness.
Offers a variety of health and wellness activities, including Tai Chi classes, multi-generational activities, as well as informational and educational presentations relevant to senior health and wellness.
Wellness Programs
Public Awareness/Education
Physical Fitness
Offers twice-weekly group sessions facilitated by trained volunteers who provide strength training designed to prevent and reverse osteoporosis, improve balance, provide companionship, prevent isolation, and enhance energy and well-being. Classes are held at sites throughout Chitteneden Franklin, and Grand Isle churches, town halls, and senior centers. Volunteer Trainers are qualified by attending one all-day workshop conducted by experienced instructors.
Offers twice-weekly group sessions facilitated by trained volunteers who provide strength training designed to prevent and reverse osteoporosis, improve balance, provide companionship, prevent isolation, and enhance energy and well-being. Classes are held at sites throughout Chitteneden Franklin, and Grand Isle churches, town halls, and senior centers. Volunteer Trainers are qualified by attending one all-day workshop conducted by experienced instructors.
Wellness Programs
Fall Prevention Programs
Physical Fitness
Offers a variety of wellness and exercise programs that help to reduce stress, develop greater stamina, increase strength and flexibility, improve balance and/or strengthen bones. Programs may include T'ai Chi, light weight workouts, and seated exercise programs.
Offers a variety of wellness and exercise programs that help to reduce stress, develop greater stamina, increase strength and flexibility, improve balance and/or strengthen bones. Programs may include T'ai Chi, light weight workouts, and seated exercise programs.
Physical Fitness
Fall Prevention Programs
Wellness Programs
Offers a variety of wellness and exercise programs that help to reduce stress, develop greater stamina, increase strength and flexibility, improve balance and/or strengthen bones. Programs may include T'ai Chi, light weight workouts, and seated exercise programs.
Offers a variety of wellness and exercise programs that help to reduce stress, develop greater stamina, increase strength and flexibility, improve balance and/or strengthen bones. Programs may include T'ai Chi, light weight workouts, and seated exercise programs.
Physical Fitness
Fall Prevention Programs
Wellness Programs
Offers a variety of wellness and exercise programs that help to reduce stress, develop greater stamina, increase strength and flexibility, improve balance and/or strengthen bones. Programs may include T'ai Chi, light weight workouts, and seated exercise programs.
Offers a variety of wellness and exercise programs that help to reduce stress, develop greater stamina, increase strength and flexibility, improve balance and/or strengthen bones. Programs may include T'ai Chi, light weight workouts, and seated exercise programs.
Physical Fitness
Fall Prevention Programs
Wellness Programs
Provides an experiential learning program for girls that combines life skills lessons with training for a 5K walk or run. Participation provides the girls with tools they need to manage the challenges of adolescence. Objectives include reducing at-risk activities such as adolescent pregnancy, eating disorders, and substance abuse, as well as reducing depression and suicide attempts.
Provides an experiential learning program for girls that combines life skills lessons with training for a 5K walk or run. Participation provides the girls with tools they need to manage the challenges of adolescence. Objectives include reducing at-risk activities such as adolescent pregnancy, eating disorders, and substance abuse, as well as reducing depression and suicide attempts.
Physical Fitness
Self Esteem Workshops
Youth Enrichment Programs
Offers a variety of wellness and exercise programs that help to reduce stress, develop greater stamina, increase strength and flexibility, improve balance and/or strengthen bones. Programs may include T'ai Chi, light weight workouts, and seated exercise programs.
Offers a variety of wellness and exercise programs that help to reduce stress, develop greater stamina, increase strength and flexibility, improve balance and/or strengthen bones. Programs may include T'ai Chi, light weight workouts, and seated exercise programs.
Physical Fitness
Wellness Programs
Fall Prevention Programs
Offers wellness, fitness, and fall prevention programs that may include classes in yoga, strength training, and tai chi. The Secrets of Healthy Aging, a twice monthly facilitated discussion group that is followed by a social pot luck lunch is currently on hold until further notice. Programs currently being offered online and the pot luck lunch is on hold for now. Classes are held at the Westminster Institute, Westminster Congregational Church, Westminster West Church, and Bellows Falls Health Center. The discussion group is held at the Fire Station.
Offers wellness, fitness, and fall prevention programs that may include classes in yoga, strength training, and tai chi. The Secrets of Healthy Aging, a twice monthly facilitated discussion group that is followed by a social pot luck lunch is currently on hold until further notice. Programs currently being offered online and the pot luck lunch is on hold for now. Classes are held at the Westminster Institute, Westminster Congregational Church, Westminster West Church, and Bellows Falls Health Center. The discussion group is held at the Fire Station.
Wellness Programs
Physical Fitness
Fall Prevention Programs
Public Awareness/Education
Offers a variety of wellness and exercise programs that help to reduce stress, develop greater stamina, increase strength and flexibility, improve balance and/or strengthen bones. Programs may include T'ai Chi, light weight workouts, and seated exercise programs.
Offers a variety of wellness and exercise programs that help to reduce stress, develop greater stamina, increase strength and flexibility, improve balance and/or strengthen bones. Programs may include T'ai Chi, light weight workouts, and seated exercise programs.
Physical Fitness
Fall Prevention Programs
Wellness Programs
Offers a variety of wellness and exercise programs that help to reduce stress, develop greater stamina, increase strength and flexibility, improve balance and/or strengthen bones. Programs may include T'ai Chi, light weight workouts, and seated exercise programs.
Offers a variety of wellness and exercise programs that help to reduce stress, develop greater stamina, increase strength and flexibility, improve balance and/or strengthen bones. Programs may include T'ai Chi, light weight workouts, and seated exercise programs.
Physical Fitness
Fall Prevention Programs
Wellness Programs
Offers a variety of wellness and exercise programs that help to reduce stress, develop greater stamina, increase strength and flexibility, improve balance and/or strengthen bones. Programs may include T'ai Chi, light weight workouts, and seated exercise programs.
Offers a variety of wellness and exercise programs that help to reduce stress, develop greater stamina, increase strength and flexibility, improve balance and/or strengthen bones. Programs may include T'ai Chi, light weight workouts, and seated exercise programs.
Physical Fitness
Wellness Programs
Fall Prevention Programs
Offers a variety of wellness and exercise programs that help to reduce stress, develop greater stamina, increase strength and flexibility, improve balance and/or strengthen bones. Programs may include T'ai Chi, light weight workouts, and seated exercise programs.
Offers a variety of wellness and exercise programs that help to reduce stress, develop greater stamina, increase strength and flexibility, improve balance and/or strengthen bones. Programs may include T'ai Chi, light weight workouts, and seated exercise programs.
Physical Fitness
Wellness Programs
Fall Prevention Programs
Provides physical fitness activities to individuals in recovery from substance use disorder, such as crossfit, yoga, and strength training classes. Also provides a variety of health and wellness online classes and events. There is also a mobile app that lists classes and events in the community. Must first sign up on their website to be a team member (under the section that says first visit). After this, the person can sign in to take a class.
Provides physical fitness activities to individuals in recovery from substance use disorder, such as crossfit, yoga, and strength training classes. Also provides a variety of health and wellness online classes and events. There is also a mobile app that lists classes and events in the community. Must first sign up on their website to be a team member (under the section that says first visit). After this, the person can sign in to take a class.
Wellness Programs
Physical Fitness
Offers free twice-weekly group sessions facilitated by trained volunteers who provide strength training designed to prevent and reverse osteoporosis, improve balance, provide companionship, prevent isolation, and enhance energy and well-being. A pre-recorded Bone Builders class is available online for experienced Bone Builders participants. Classes are held at sites throughout Rutland and Addison County including churches, town halls, and senior centers. Volunteer Trainers are qualified by attending one all-day workshop conducted by experienced instructors.
Offers free twice-weekly group sessions facilitated by trained volunteers who provide strength training designed to prevent and reverse osteoporosis, improve balance, provide companionship, prevent isolation, and enhance energy and well-being. A pre-recorded Bone Builders class is available online for experienced Bone Builders participants. Classes are held at sites throughout Rutland and Addison County including churches, town halls, and senior centers. Volunteer Trainers are qualified by attending one all-day workshop conducted by experienced instructors.
Wellness Programs
Fall Prevention Programs
Physical Fitness
Provides a twice-weekly balance and strength-training exercise program. Sessions are for up to 15 participants.
Provides a twice-weekly balance and strength-training exercise program. Sessions are for up to 15 participants.
Physical Fitness
Offers strength and balance training for older adults Living Strong program meets at St. Rose of Lima Roman Catholic Church, which is not wheelchair-accessible.
Offers strength and balance training for older adults Living Strong program meets at St. Rose of Lima Roman Catholic Church, which is not wheelchair-accessible.
Provides physical fitness activities to individuals in recovery from substance use disorder, such as crossfit, yoga, and strength training classes. Also provides a variety of health and wellness online classes and events. There is also a mobile app that lists classes and events in the community. Must first sign up on their website to be a team member (under the section that says first visit). After this, the person can sign in to take a class.
Provides physical fitness activities to individuals in recovery from substance use disorder, such as crossfit, yoga, and strength training classes. Also provides a variety of health and wellness online classes and events. There is also a mobile app that lists classes and events in the community. Must first sign up on their website to be a team member (under the section that says first visit). After this, the person can sign in to take a class.
Wellness Programs
Physical Fitness
Offers free twice-weekly group sessions facilitated by trained volunteers who provide strength training designed to prevent and reverse osteoporosis, improve balance, provide companionship, prevent isolation, and enhance energy and well-being. A pre-recorded Bone Builders class is available online for experienced Bone Builders participants. Classes are held at sites throughout Rutland and Addison County including churches, town halls, and senior centers. Volunteer Trainers are qualified by attending one all-day workshop conducted by experienced instructors.
Offers free twice-weekly group sessions facilitated by trained volunteers who provide strength training designed to prevent and reverse osteoporosis, improve balance, provide companionship, prevent isolation, and enhance energy and well-being. A pre-recorded Bone Builders class is available online for experienced Bone Builders participants. Classes are held at sites throughout Rutland and Addison County including churches, town halls, and senior centers. Volunteer Trainers are qualified by attending one all-day workshop conducted by experienced instructors.
Wellness Programs
Fall Prevention Programs
Physical Fitness
Offers a variety of wellness and exercise programs that help to reduce stress, develop greater stamina, increase strength and flexibility, improve balance and/or strengthen bones. Programs may include T'ai Chi, light weight workouts, and seated exercise programs.
Offers a variety of wellness and exercise programs that help to reduce stress, develop greater stamina, increase strength and flexibility, improve balance and/or strengthen bones. Programs may include T'ai Chi, light weight workouts, and seated exercise programs.
Wellness Programs
Physical Fitness
Fall Prevention Programs
Provides physical fitness activities to individuals in recovery from substance use disorder, such as crossfit, yoga, and strength training classes. Also provides a variety of health and wellness online classes and events. There is also a mobile app that lists classes and events in the community. Must first sign up on their website to be a team member (under the section that says first visit). After this, the person can sign in to take a class.
Provides physical fitness activities to individuals in recovery from substance use disorder, such as crossfit, yoga, and strength training classes. Also provides a variety of health and wellness online classes and events. There is also a mobile app that lists classes and events in the community. Must first sign up on their website to be a team member (under the section that says first visit). After this, the person can sign in to take a class.
Wellness Programs
Physical Fitness
Provides an indoor, heated, and specially equipped therapy pool, which provides therapeutic swimming for children and adults with special needs, as well as recreational swimming, swim lessons, and pool parties for the general public. The pool is wheelchair accessible.
Provides an indoor, heated, and specially equipped therapy pool, which provides therapeutic swimming for children and adults with special needs, as well as recreational swimming, swim lessons, and pool parties for the general public. The pool is wheelchair accessible.
Physical Fitness