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Offers technical assistance on disability rights and policies to individuals with disabilities, as well as to organizations, state agencies, and advocacy groups. Assists with local and statewide education and advocacy on disability issues. Office is open to the public on Wednesdays from 9:00am-12noon.


System Advocacy
Public Awareness/Education
Centers for Independent Living
Disability Rights Groups
Provides a drop-in community center that offers opportunities to socialize and to access support for help with acquiring supported employment, access to education and housing, peer support, and opportunities to explore holistic health and wellness. Also provides packed meals to go. During the winter months, the center offers extended hours to provide a warm space for individuals to congregate until the overnight shelter opens its doors.


System Advocacy
Job Training Formats
Peer to Peer Networking
Housing Search Assistance
Packed Lunches/Dinners
Mental Health Drop In Centers
Psychiatric Resocialization
General Mental Health Support Groups
Represents individuals who receive long term care services in nursing homes, residential care homes, assisted living residences, or their own homes through the Choices for Care Program. Issues addressed include quality of care, quality of life, and residents' rights.The project also advocates for systemic change that will improve the quality of care for individuals receiving long-term care services. Complaints and concerns can be voiced to the ombudsman by the resident, Choices for Care recipient, relative, friend or concerned person. After being contacted, an ombudsman will talk with the resident or Choices for Care recipient.
Represents individuals who receive long term care services in nursing homes, residential care homes, assisted living residences, or their own homes through the Choices for Care Program. Issues addressed include quality of care, quality of life, and residents' rights.The project also advocates for systemic change that will improve the quality of care for individuals receiving long-term care services. Complaints and concerns can be voiced to the ombudsman by the resident, Choices for Care recipient, relative, friend or concerned person. After being contacted, an ombudsman will talk with the resident or Choices for Care recipient.
Offers technical assistance on disability rights and policies to individuals with disabilities, as well as to organizations, state agencies, and advocacy groups. Assists with local and statewide education and advocacy on disability issues.


System Advocacy
Centers for Independent Living
Disability Rights Groups
Public Awareness/Education
Represents individuals who receive long term care services in nursing homes, residential care homes, assisted living residences, or their own homes through the Choices for Care Program. Issues addressed include quality of care, quality of life, and residents' rights.The project also advocates for systemic change that will improve the quality of care for individuals receiving long-term care services. Complaints and concerns can be voiced to the ombudsman by the resident, Choices for Care recipient, relative, friend or concerned person. After being contacted, an ombudsman will talk with the resident or Choices for Care recipient.
Provides nutrition information and general education for the prevention and treatment of diabetes. Educates health professionals about the most current information in diabetes research and treatment options. Advocates for national funding for diabetes research.


Disease/Disability Information
Nutrition Education
System Advocacy
Represents individuals who receive long term care services in nursing homes, residential care homes, assisted living residences, or their own homes through the Choices for Care Program. Issues addressed include quality of care, quality of life, and residents' rights.The project also advocates for systemic change that will improve the quality of care for individuals receiving long-term care services. Complaints and concerns can be voiced to the ombudsman by the resident, Choices for Care recipient, relative, friend or concerned person. After being contacted, an ombudsman will talk with the resident or Choices for Care recipient.
Provides a variety of information, guidance, and resources on specific policy issues, including model legislation, research overviews, and “know your rights” documentation. Accepts testimonials from those willing to share their story to help enact change.


Disability Rights Groups
System Advocacy
Public Awareness/Education
Self Advocacy Support
Advocates for the creation and implementation of a unified early childhood education workforce with clearly defined roles, sensible pathways to enter and grow within the profession, and professional level wages and benefits, all within a supportive state infrastructure. Advancing as a Profession is Vermont's workforce-led initiative in the national Power to the Profession (P2P) collaboration.
Advocates for public policies that promote the well-being of children, youth, and their families. Provides periodic e-newsletters, issue briefs, data reports, fact sheets, and legislative agendas to educate the public on issues affecting Vermont's children and youth. Does NOT provide direct services.


Children's Rights Groups
System Advocacy
Public Awareness/Education
Administers programs that assist families with children with developmental disabilities, including those on the autism spectrum. Works with community agencies, support groups, and government departments to address system issues, enhance service delivery, and develop or provide training.
Represents individuals who receive long term care services in nursing homes, residential care homes, assisted living residences, or their own homes through the Choices for Care Program. Issues addressed include quality of care, quality of life, and residents' rights.The project also advocates for systemic change that will improve the quality of care for individuals receiving long-term care services. Complaints and concerns can be voiced to the ombudsman by the resident, Choices for Care recipient, relative, friend or concerned person. After being contacted, an ombudsman will talk with the resident or Choices for Care recipient.
Conducts outreach at hospitals, prisons, residential care homes, therapeutic care homes, and mental health agencies. Offers trainings by advocates on a wide range of disability-related subjects, including issues of violence against, and abuse and exploitation of, people with disabilities; advance directives; and representative payee services. Also provides Traumatic Brain Injury legal clinics.
Operates a helpline providing advocacy for problems involving health care and health insurance. Case types include access to health care, billing, eligibility, and insurance coverage issues. The Office of the Health Care Advocate has a tax attorney on staff to assist individuals with tax filing questions and issues, but does NOT provide assistance with actual filing of returns. This program also recommends needed health care policy changes to the Legislature and administrative agencies.


Health Care Discrimination Assistance
System Advocacy
Managed Health Care Information
Insurance Claims Assistance
Personal Health Care Advocate Services
Long Term Care Insurance Information/Counseling
Tax Information
Medicare Information/Counseling
Provides advocacy and individualized support for families of children, youth, and young adults in transition to help them receive needed support and services. Also promotes the creation of a full array of easily accessible, high-quality family and youth-driven services at the state and local level.


System Advocacy
Peer to Peer Networking
Individual Advocacy
Works to protect the public's health by effecting changes at the environmental, policy, and systems levels. The goals of the Tobacco Control Program are to prevent youth and adults from becoming tobacco users, to support those looking to quit, and to change the overall acceptance of tobacco use. Provides information about Vermont's Smoke Free Laws: the Clean Indoor Air Act (Act 135) that provides protection from secondhand smoke by banning lit tobacco products in nearly all common areas of indoor public places and the expansion of that protection (Act 108) that restricts the use of e-cigarettes or other vaping devices, defined as tobacco substitutes, wherever smoking is prohibited. Smoking and vaping are not allowed on school grounds, during school events, at licensed childcare facilities, or in vehicles with children seven years old and younger.


System Advocacy
Tobacco Use Education/Prevention
Specialized Information and Referral
Meets monthly to improve services and foster cross-system collaboration among human services agencies, education organizations (including early childhood), the justice system and others to prevent and reduce child abuse and neglect.
Operates a formal regional Community Links program and offers mutual support statewide for mental health consumers/ex-patients/psychiatric survivors. Peer Advocates use their lived experience and training and a non-judgmental, values-driven approach that promotes multiple perspectives, advocates for human rights and dignity, and focuses on genuine, mutual relationships. Advocates help identify and access community services and support networks, and advocate on behalf of and with individuals regarding their expressed interests and preferences. The program also includes community outreach, training, public awareness, and system advocacy initiatives.