Represents individuals who receive long term care services in nursing homes, residential care homes, assisted living residences, or their own homes through the Choices for Care Program. Issues addressed include quality of care, quality of life, and residents' rights.The project also advocates for systemic change that will improve the quality of care for individuals receiving long-term care services. Complaints and concerns can be voiced to the ombudsman by the resident, Choices for Care recipient, relative, friend or concerned person. After being contacted, an ombudsman will talk with the resident or Choices for Care recipient.
Last Assured
Physical Address
56 College Street, Montpelier, VT 05601
Monday-Friday: 8:30am-4:30pm
Application process
By Telephone; Appointment Required; By Website
Anyone who is a resident in a licensed long term care facility AND people who receive long term care services in their own homes through the Choices for Care program.
Service area
Franklin County, Vermont Rutland County, Vermont Windham County, Vermont Grand Isle County, Vermont Orleans County, Vermont Windsor County, Vermont Chittenden County, Vermont Essex County, Vermont Addison County, Vermont Bennington County, Vermont Washington County, Vermont Caledonia County, Vermont Lamoille County, Vermont Orange County, Vermont
Agency info
Vermont Legal Aid (VLA) is a non-profit law firm providing civil legal services for those living in poverty, for individuals with a disability, or for Vermonters over age 60. VLA also serves anyone who is discriminated against in housing issues and all who have challenges related to health insurance or health services. VLA partners with Legal Services Vermont, a federally-funded, non-profit organization that provides a variety of legal services and also manages the legal helpline that handles requests for legal help for both organizations. Both organizations work together to provide broad and in-depth legal help to low-income Vermonters. Vermont Legal Aid's statewide services are offered from five regional offices in Vermont.