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Offers a full-day workshop taught from the family member's and peer's perspectives, which provides information on mental health conditions, treatments, and services and supports available to Vermonters. Workshop is taught by a trained peer and a family member with "lived experience." The workshop is typically held on a Saturday 3 or 4 times during the year.
Provides mental health and substance use disorder services that include psychiatry, clinical mental health counseling, screening for drug, alcohol, and tobacco use, screenings for depression, medications, prescriptions, and medication management, and referrals to specialists.


General Psychiatry
Therapy Referrals
General Mental Health Information/Education
Assessment for Substance Use Disorders
Mental Health Evaluation
General Counseling Services
Substance Use Disorder Referrals
Provides referrals for free, confidential mental health services of an hour per week for a year. Give an Hour also supplies a variety of links to mental health information and resources for military families. Works to reduce the stigma associated with mental health problems through education, training, and outreach efforts. Also provides free webinars for Wellness Ambassadors for promoting and advocating for mental health awareness in communities. Telephone if without internet service. Give an Hour does not provide emergency services. Mental Health Professionals who wish to volunteer must apply online, be licensed, and commit to providing free treatment for one year.


Public Awareness/Education
Counseling/Information Support Volunteer Opportunities
Therapy Referrals
General Mental Health Information/Education
Offers an educational course for families and friends of individuals with a mental health condition. Provides information and support to help families understand and support their loved ones while maintaining their own well-being. Course is taught by 2-3 trained family members with "lived experience."
Acts as a bridge between individuals with mental illness and the community by facilitating community relations and education, promoting mental health, building community supports, encouraging self-direction, providing advocacy, by addressing issues of stigma, inclusion, and social integration. Works toward the development of caring communities that understand and accept persons with mental illness and contributes to their well-being by fostering community volunteer programs. To volunteer, contact the Community Support Program main office.


Self Advocacy Support
General Mental Health Information/Education
Provides preventative health care education and referrals for individuals and families. Services include assistance with accessing benefit programs, assistance finding housing and employment, health education and wellness programs, and referrals to health care and to local resources such as volunteer drivers, utility assistance, and food assistance programs. Also provides meeting space for social services agency use and health and wellness programs.


Non-Emergency Medical Transportation
Physician Referral Services
Agency Facility Space
Medicare Information/Counseling
Certificates/Forms Assistance
Specialized Information and Referral
General Mental Health Information/Education
Benefits Screening
Managed Health Care Information
Provides a national, confidential helpline for use as a starting point to access help and resources by automatically routing callers to the appropriate state or regional call center for assistance.


General Mental Health Information/Education
Gambling Disorder Helplines
Provides personalized coordinated care to help individuals stay safely in their homes. SASH communities include a care coordinator and a wellness nurse who work in partnership with a team of community providers to assist individuals. With the guidance of SASH staff individuals determine their own health and wellness goals. SASH Collaborative Partners: Regional Hospitals, Visiting Nurse Associations, Community Mental Health, Home Health & Hospice, Housing Agencies, Universities, and other Health Initiatives. Apply via website with the assistance of a referring agency representative, and visit website for local SASH Coordinator information.


Case/Care Management
Wellness Programs
Home/Community Based Developmental Disabilities Programs
General Health Education Programs
General Mental Health Information/Education
Nutrition Education
Provides a comprehensive range of inpatient, outpatient, and outreach services for individuals with mental illnesses and serious emotional disturbances, and for people with developmental disabilities. Services include case management, rehabilitation, and specialized programs.


Family Counseling
Group Counseling
Mental Health Evaluation
General Mental Health Support Groups
General Counseling Services
General Mental Health Information/Education
Bereavement and Grief Counseling