

Provides personalized coordinated care to help individuals stay safely in their homes. SASH communities include a care coordinator and a wellness nurse who work in partnership with a team of community providers to assist individuals. With the guidance of SASH staff individuals determine their own health and wellness goals. SASH Collaborative Partners: Regional Hospitals, Visiting Nurse Associations, Community Mental Health, Home Health & Hospice, Housing Agencies, Universities, and other Health Initiatives. Apply via website with the assistance of a referring agency representative, and visit website for local SASH Coordinator information.

Last Assured


Physical Address

412 Farrell Street, Suite 100, South Burlington, VT 05403


Monday-Friday: 8:00am-2:30pm


(802) 863-6661

Application process

By Telephone; By Website; Information On Website




Primarily Adults Age 65 and Older; Individuals with Disabilities; Individuals with Medicare

Service area


Agency info


Supports and Services at Home (SASH), a Vermont Blueprint for Health statewide partnership healthcare reform initiative, is responsible for the implementation and management of the health and human services program intended to improve the health and decrease the healthcare expenditures among older individuals and individuals with disabilities in Vermont so they can remain in their homes. SASH teams throughout the State extend the work of the Blueprint for Health's Community Health Teams and primary care providers by providing targeted support and in-home services at Vermont's affordable housing sites and surrounding communities. SASH relies on formalized regional connections between many organizations including hospitals, VNAs, AAAs, Housing Agencies, Community Mental Health Agencies, as well as universities and other health programs.