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Offers a safe place that focuses on basic needs such as providing lunch and dinner; use of telephone and computer; and access to laundry facilities, hygiene items, clothes, and showers. Provides support, case management, and referrals. Free safer sex materials are available. LGBTQ2+ support offered. Please call ahead if possible as they have to limit the number of people within the space. If not able to call ahead, feel free to stop by but please know if they are full, visitors may have to wait outside.
Offers a safe place that focuses on basic needs such as providing lunch and dinner; use of telephone and computer; and access to laundry facilities, hygiene items, clothes, and showers. Provides support, case management, and referrals. Free safer sex materials are available. LGBTQ2+ support offered. Please call ahead if possible as they have to limit the number of people within the space. If not able to call ahead, feel free to stop by but please know if they are full, visitors may have to wait outside.
Temporary Mailing Address
Safer Sex Education
Community Meals
Homeless Drop In Centers
Street Outreach Programs
Public Showers/Baths
HIV Testing
LGBTQ2+ Support Groups
Safe Sex Supplies
Provides limited clothing, food, pet food, and other daily essentials.
Provides limited clothing, food, pet food, and other daily essentials.
Provides immediate, in-person intervention services, referrals, resources information, emotional support, and harm reduction information. The Street Outreach Team members are on the streets to assist people with psychiatric disabilities and individuals dealing with substance abuse, homelessness, and other unmet social service needs.
Provides immediate, in-person intervention services, referrals, resources information, emotional support, and harm reduction information. The Street Outreach Team members are on the streets to assist people with psychiatric disabilities and individuals dealing with substance abuse, homelessness, and other unmet social service needs.
In Person Crisis Intervention
Street Outreach Programs
Provides case management for individuals with a history of severe and persistent mental illness, focusing on community integration and rehabilitation. Includes skills training, service coordination, advocacy, and linkage to community resources. Also provides two residential treatment settings, supported employment services, and community outreach efforts aimed at individuals with severe mental illness who are not already connected with mental health services.
Provides case management for individuals with a history of severe and persistent mental illness, focusing on community integration and rehabilitation. Includes skills training, service coordination, advocacy, and linkage to community resources. Also provides two residential treatment settings, supported employment services, and community outreach efforts aimed at individuals with severe mental illness who are not already connected with mental health services.
Supported Employment
Special Psychiatric Programs
Street Outreach Programs
Offers a safe place that focuses on basic needs such as providing lunch and dinner; use of telephone and computer; and access to laundry facilities, hygiene items, clothes, and showers. Provides support, case management, and referrals. Free safer sex materials are available. LGBTQ2+ support offered. Please call ahead if possible as they have to limit the number of people within the space. If not able to call ahead, feel free to stop by but please know if they are full, visitors may have to wait outside.
Offers a safe place that focuses on basic needs such as providing lunch and dinner; use of telephone and computer; and access to laundry facilities, hygiene items, clothes, and showers. Provides support, case management, and referrals. Free safer sex materials are available. LGBTQ2+ support offered. Please call ahead if possible as they have to limit the number of people within the space. If not able to call ahead, feel free to stop by but please know if they are full, visitors may have to wait outside.
Temporary Mailing Address
Safer Sex Education
Community Meals
Homeless Drop In Centers
Street Outreach Programs
Public Showers/Baths
HIV Testing
LGBTQ2+ Support Groups
Safe Sex Supplies
Provides mobile Community Outreach Specialists who work in partnership with local and regional law enforcement to respond to individuals with unmet social services needs, often due (but not limited to) to mental health or substance use issues.
Provides mobile Community Outreach Specialists who work in partnership with local and regional law enforcement to respond to individuals with unmet social services needs, often due (but not limited to) to mental health or substance use issues.
Street Outreach Programs
In Person Crisis Intervention
Works to connect individuals with shelter opportunities, food and water, and health care.
Works to connect individuals with shelter opportunities, food and water, and health care.
Street Outreach Programs