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Provides loans that range from $5,000 to $20,000 at 3% amortized interest, and are available to businesses with less than 2 years of operating history. The loan term ranges between 24-60 months, with the option to defer payments for up to a year. Application accepted on a rolling basis and loans awarded as funds are available.


Low Interest Loans
Agricultural Financing
Offers low-interest loans of up to $20,000 for energy efficiency improvements and heating systems. Eligible projects include cold-climate heat pumps; central wood pellet heating systems; cord wood and pellet stoves; heat pump water heaters; solar hot water; and weatherization improvements. Health and safety measures and repairs needed for the efficiency improvement can constitute up to 50% of the total loan amount. Zero-percent interest financing is available for low to moderate-income approved applicants. Heating systems that run on fossil fuels (oil, gas or kerosene) are not eligible for these loans. Loan application is to a participating credit union, listed on the website.
Provides access to low-cost, flexible home ownership mortgage programs for individuals in need of affordable, low-interest mortgage financing. Program also offers a down payment assistance program for eligible first-time home buyers. VHFA does NOT offer refinance loans or assistance with foreclosure. VHFA does not make loans directly to consumers or work directly with homebuyers, but offers low-interest mortgage programs for eligible borrowers through participating lenders located throughout the state. List of lenders are available online and application information.


Home Purchase/Mortgage Refinance Loans
Low Interest Loans
Housing Down Payment Loans/Grants
Provides loans and technical assistance for private, non-profit, home- and/or center-based child care providers, with a particular focus on support for early care and education programs that serve infants and toddlers, children from low and moderate income households, and children with special needs.


Community Development Financial Institutions
Business Assistance Services
Low Interest Loans
Offers a loan program that supports agricultural enterprises that directly support the expansion of the Vermont food system and increase the availability of local foods in Vermont. Loans are $5,000 - $30,000 at 3% amortized interest to be repaid over a 24-48 month period


Low Interest Loans