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Provides support, resource referrals, and services to military personnel of all seven branches and their families. Services include camp for kids, retreats for families, scholarships for spouses, and advocacy.
Provides public awareness and education with community members, legislators, and key decision makers about hunger in Vermont and how to create systemic change to ensure all Vermonters have access to food. Advocates at the state and federal levels to help individuals in need access nutrition programs and to build systems that help individuals move out of poverty.


Legislative Advocacy
Hunger/Poverty Action Groups
Public Awareness/Education
Provides education on voting rights and procedures, sponsors candidate debates and issue forums, and maintains a presence in the State House observing committee meetings and talking with legislators. Takes action on selected positions. Action includes lobbying on legislation at every level of government. Provides online information about current legislation and legislators, hearings on particular bills, committees, and committee chairs. Provides annual scholarship(s) to selected graduating seniors who have demonstrated civic involvement. Access website for information on political positions and recent actions. Examples of action priorities for LWVVT include Universal Access to Health Care, Renewable Energy, Civics Education, Same-day Voter Registration, Instant Runoff Voting, and Four-Year Term for Governor. Four local chapters exist in Vermont and all are members of the League of Woment Voters of Vermont: LWV Central Vermont, LWV Champlain Valley and LWV Northeast Kingdom, and LWV Castleton Area. Contact information for the local Leagues can be found on the state LWV website.


Legislation Information
Legislative Advocacy
Elections/Election Campaigns
Offers free assistance to park residents for a wide range of services. Services include assistance with the sale or closure of tenant's park, lot rent increase, habitability issues, and help forming or revitalizing a resident association. Also offers information about the laws affecting parks and help developing a strategy to deal with a complicated park problem. Provides public education about mobile home parks. Advocates for the development of programs and services for park residents, and provides workshops and training on various mobile home park issues. A free copy of "A Guide to Your Rights for Vermont Mobile Home Park Residents" can be found on the website under Documents and Forms.


Individual Advocacy
Housing Counseling
Tenant Rights Information/Counseling
Legislative Advocacy