Offers free assistance to park residents for a wide range of services. Services include assistance with the sale or closure of tenant's park, lot rent increase, habitability issues, and help forming or revitalizing a resident association. Also offers information about the laws affecting parks and help developing a strategy to deal with a complicated park problem. Provides public education about mobile home parks. Advocates for the development of programs and services for park residents, and provides workshops and training on various mobile home park issues. A free copy of "A Guide to Your Rights for Vermont Mobile Home Park Residents" can be found on the website under Documents and Forms.
Last Assured
Physical Address
255 South Champlain Street, Suite 9, Burlington, VT 05401
Monday-Friday: 9:00am-4:00pm
Application process
By Telephone
Service area
Agency info
CVOEO (Champlain Valley Office of Economic Opportunity) is a non-profit, regional community action agency that provides advocacy and assistance to families in Addison County (except the towns of Hancock and Granville), and Chittenden, Franklin, and Grand Isle Counties. Services in the four counties include year-round food and nutrition programs, emergency fuel assistance, weatherization, small business development, housing search assistance, emergency shelters (Laurie's House and Samaritan House) tax preparation assistance, and Head Start. In addition, CVOEO offers the Fair Housing Project, the Mobile Home Program, and Vermont Tenants. CVOEO is the host site for the Chittenden County Homeless Alliance and Franklin/Grand Isle Coordinated Entry Programs. CVOEO also administers Voices Against Violence, the domestic violence organization and shelter for Franklin and Grand Isle counties as well as the Samaritan House Emergency Shelter for adults.