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Provides emergency food in the form of pre-boxed staples.


Food Donation Programs
Brown Bag Food Programs
Provides a three-to-five day pre-bagged food supply. Also offers a bag of toiletry items. Contact via Telephone to verify food availability. Donations may be dropped off in baskets near the entryway of the church.
Provides a week's worth of groceries for lunches every week during the summer and over Christmas break. Each bag contains five days' worth of food for all children in a given household. South Hero and Southern Grand Isle County: Pick up groceries at the church. Alburgh, Isle La Motte, North Hero: Pick up groceries at Island in the Sun Senior Center, Route 2, Alburgh.
Provides small, limited, community food services. Residents encouraged to take what they need and/or donate what they can in support of the pantry. Also provides a bag of pre-packaged foods for distribution. Leave message for a return call


Community Fridges/Food Cabinets
Food Donation Programs
Brown Bag Food Programs
Provides community food-shelf services through sponsorship of regular "food drops." Recipients will receive a number when they drive into the parking lot. They should stay with their cars and should NOT congregate with others. The Food Share will call up people to drive up to receive food based upon their number. Older adults and individuals with disabilities are served first. Food choices vary from one time to another and are dependent upon the availability of items from the Vermont Foodbank and other donors. No individual in need is denied services.


Community Meals
Food Donation Programs
Brown Bag Food Programs
Food Lines
Provides emergency food shelf services consisting of pre-boxed meat, dairy, eggs, and other items. Curbside Pick-Up is available. Food is provided by Trader Joe's, Middlebury Natural Food Co-Operative, and the New Community Project's Food Justice Garden.
Provides pre-boxed food staples and personal grooming items as available.


Brown Bag Food Programs
Food Donation Programs
Provides a take out lunch and dinner.
Works in partnership with the Vermont Foodbank to provide weekend food supplies to school children. Tote bags of nutritious foods and snacks to last all weekend are prepared for teachers to distribute at participating schools. During the school year, H.O.P.E. also assists teachers at participating schools with students needs, such as clothing, school supplies, and toiletries.
Provides an emergency food resource only in the form of pre-boxed staples and/or grocery cards for purchase of perishables from the local grocer. The Lake Region Parish Food Shelf is an emergency food response only and applicants are referred to Orleans Federated Church for community food shelf services after a one-time provision of an emergency supply of food. Food shelf services are limited at this location.


Food Donation Programs
Brown Bag Food Programs
Provides community food shelf services. Personal care items may be available depending on donations. Food shelf is in the new building next to the church. Help is available to carry food to vehicles. Also allows pick up by third party for people with disabilities, those who are injured, or individuals without transportation. Donations: Call or Email to arrange donation drop-offs.


Food Pantries
Food Donation Programs
Brown Bag Food Programs
Provides community food shelf services. Provision of personal care items, household cleaners, and pet food is dependent upon availability. Home delivery is available for those who have mobility or transportation issues. Located at the White Church in the rear of the building. Donations during Food Shelf hours only, or by appointment


Brown Bag Food Programs
Food Pantries
Food Donation Programs
Provides pre-bagged food staples. Provision of personal care items is dependent upon availability. Donations may be dropped off during open hours and at The Clothes Closet during its hours: Monday, Wednesday: 10:00am-2:00pm; Thursday: 12noon-4:00pm (May-November).


Brown Bag Food Programs
Food Donation Programs
Provides community food-shelf services through sponsorship of regular "food drops." Recipients will receive a number when they drive into the parking lot. They should stay with their cars and should NOT congregate with others. The Food Share will call up people to drive up to receive food based upon their number. Older adults and individuals with disabilities are served first. Food choices vary from one time to another and are dependent upon the availability of items from the Vermont Foodbank and other donors. No individual in need is denied services.


Community Meals
Food Donation Programs
Brown Bag Food Programs
Food Lines
Provides emergency food resources in the form of pre-bagged staples. Provision of personal care items, diapers, and pet food is dependent upon availability. No individual in need is denied services.


Brown Bag Food Programs
Food Donation Programs