Provides community food-shelf services through sponsorship of regular "food drops." Recipients will receive a number when they drive into the parking lot. They should stay with their cars and should NOT congregate with others. The Food Share will call up people to drive up to receive food based upon their number. Older adults and individuals with disabilities are served first. Food choices vary from one time to another and are dependent upon the availability of items from the Vermont Foodbank and other donors. No individual in need is denied services.
Last Assured
Physical Address
3339 Main Street, Cabot, VT 05647
Administrative Hours: Monday-Friday: 9:00am-3:00pm; Share Food offerings are available on designated dates each month; Share Food Program Hours: 12:00pm-2:00pm; Call Ahead.
Application process
Telephone or visit website for calendar of dates, locations, and details
Open to All
Service area
Washington County, Vermont Lamoille County, Vermont Essex County, Vermont Orleans County, Vermont Caledonia County, Vermont
Agency info
Neighbors in Action (formerly known as Faith in Action) is a faith-based, non-sectarian, non-profit, volunteer organization that provides case-specific and general services to elderly and disabled community members to allow them to remain in their homes and communities for as long as possible. Free food giveaways, community suppers, errand running, friendly visiting, fall home repair, snow shoveling, a holiday toy and clothing exchange program, and seniors' enrichment programs are among the wide variety of services provided. Regular free food giveaways at specific locations are also offered to all community members.