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Provides assistive technology (AT) device demonstrations, trainings, as well as information and assistance regarding AT devices and services, funding resources, and other disability-related topics. People can check out loans online, and have the item mailed to them. The program also offers public awareness via informational displays and equipment demonstrations at outreach events, and technical assistance regarding AT to agencies and programs.
Provides assistive technology (AT) device demonstrations, trainings, as well as information and assistance regarding AT devices and services, funding resources, and other disability-related topics. People can check out loans online, and have the item mailed to them. The program also offers public awareness via informational displays and equipment demonstrations at outreach events, and technical assistance regarding AT to agencies and programs.
Public Awareness/Education
Assistive Technology Information
Assistive Technology Equipment Loan
Organizational Consultation/Technical Assistance
Assistive Technology Training
Provides assistive technology (AT) device demonstrations, trainings, as well as information and assistance regarding AT devices and services, funding resources, and other disability-related topics. People can check out loans online, and have the item mailed to them. The program also offers public awareness via informational displays and equipment demonstrations at outreach events, and technical assistance regarding AT to agencies and programs.
Provides assistive technology (AT) device demonstrations, trainings, as well as information and assistance regarding AT devices and services, funding resources, and other disability-related topics. People can check out loans online, and have the item mailed to them. The program also offers public awareness via informational displays and equipment demonstrations at outreach events, and technical assistance regarding AT to agencies and programs.
Public Awareness/Education
Assistive Technology Information
Assistive Technology Equipment Loan
Organizational Consultation/Technical Assistance
Assistive Technology Training
Provides assistive technology (AT) device demonstrations, trainings, as well as information and assistance regarding AT devices and services, funding resources, and other disability-related topics. People can check out loans online, and have the item mailed to them. The program also offers public awareness via informational displays and equipment demonstrations at outreach events, and technical assistance regarding AT to agencies and programs.
Provides assistive technology (AT) device demonstrations, trainings, as well as information and assistance regarding AT devices and services, funding resources, and other disability-related topics. People can check out loans online, and have the item mailed to them. The program also offers public awareness via informational displays and equipment demonstrations at outreach events, and technical assistance regarding AT to agencies and programs.
Public Awareness/Education
Assistive Technology Information
Assistive Technology Equipment Loan
Organizational Consultation/Technical Assistance
Assistive Technology Training
Provides information, guidance, and problem-solving assistance to childcare providers and after school programs. Consultants may help diagnose organizational strengths and weaknesses, as well as identify and develop best practices. Northern Lights' programs offer certification for each Level of the Career Ladder or Pathway completed and early childhood and after school credentials include: Program Director Credential and After School Professional Credential.
Provides information, guidance, and problem-solving assistance to childcare providers and after school programs. Consultants may help diagnose organizational strengths and weaknesses, as well as identify and develop best practices. Northern Lights' programs offer certification for each Level of the Career Ladder or Pathway completed and early childhood and after school credentials include: Program Director Credential and After School Professional Credential.
Child Care Provider Recruitment
Organizational Training Services
Organizational Consultation/Technical Assistance
Provides information, technical assistance and support for community members who are starting or running farms or food businesses, in order to help meet the basic needs of the region's population for food and sustain the economic viability of farming operations while preserving nonrenewable resources and the fertility of farmlands.
Provides information, technical assistance and support for community members who are starting or running farms or food businesses, in order to help meet the basic needs of the region's population for food and sustain the economic viability of farming operations while preserving nonrenewable resources and the fertility of farmlands.
Food Production Support Services
Business Assistance Services
Organizational Consultation/Technical Assistance
Provides information, education, and technical assistance to new and aspiring farmers with the goal of increasing the number of profitable farms. Offers online and on-the-ground resources to provide individualized assistance. Website has a "classified" section listing farms for sale or lease and other farming opportunities appropriate for beginning farmers.
Provides information, education, and technical assistance to new and aspiring farmers with the goal of increasing the number of profitable farms. Offers online and on-the-ground resources to provide individualized assistance. Website has a "classified" section listing farms for sale or lease and other farming opportunities appropriate for beginning farmers.
Organizational Consultation/Technical Assistance
Offers a resource center focused on improving the quality of service and support offered to LGBTQ2+ older adults. Includes an online resource library of information related to LGBTQ2+ aging, and resources specific to each state; an information and referral service for LGBTQ2+ older adults, their families, and their caregivers; and training and technical assistance for healthcare providers, LGBTQ2+ organizations, and LGBTQ2+ older adults.
Offers a resource center focused on improving the quality of service and support offered to LGBTQ2+ older adults. Includes an online resource library of information related to LGBTQ2+ aging, and resources specific to each state; an information and referral service for LGBTQ2+ older adults, their families, and their caregivers; and training and technical assistance for healthcare providers, LGBTQ2+ organizations, and LGBTQ2+ older adults.
Information Clearinghouses
Specialized Information and Referral
Organizational Consultation/Technical Assistance
Provides awareness training about working with individuals who have disabilities to businesses. The program covers what constitutes a disability, how people with disabilities might be accommodated in the workplace, and how the natural supports of company procedures and co-workers can make everyone comfortable with a diverse employee group.
Provides awareness training about working with individuals who have disabilities to businesses. The program covers what constitutes a disability, how people with disabilities might be accommodated in the workplace, and how the natural supports of company procedures and co-workers can make everyone comfortable with a diverse employee group.
Organizational Consultation/Technical Assistance
ADA Implementation Assistance
Provides short and longer term psychotherapy based on individual needs, including assessment and medication as needed.
Provides short and longer term psychotherapy based on individual needs, including assessment and medication as needed.
Individual Counseling
Mental Health Evaluation
Organizational Consultation/Technical Assistance
General Counseling Services
Group Counseling
Provides education and technical assistance geared to the needs of women farmers at all stages of their careers. Through a series of educational, technical assistance, and networking opportunities, works to increase the number of women owning and operating profitable farms and ag-related businesses, as well as their profile in leadership positions throughout the agricultural sectors of business, government, and community.
Provides education and technical assistance geared to the needs of women farmers at all stages of their careers. Through a series of educational, technical assistance, and networking opportunities, works to increase the number of women owning and operating profitable farms and ag-related businesses, as well as their profile in leadership positions throughout the agricultural sectors of business, government, and community.
Organizational Consultation/Technical Assistance
Provides consulting and support services for Vermont public libraries, support for statewide library networks, including interlibrary loans, library services for the blind and physically disabled, continuing education for librarians, state government information by telephone and website for the general public, support for general public research needs, including pro se legal, grant and genealogy information, access to historical and current newspapers published in Vermont, and access to historical documents of Vermont state government and the federal government.
Provides consulting and support services for Vermont public libraries, support for statewide library networks, including interlibrary loans, library services for the blind and physically disabled, continuing education for librarians, state government information by telephone and website for the general public, support for general public research needs, including pro se legal, grant and genealogy information, access to historical and current newspapers published in Vermont, and access to historical documents of Vermont state government and the federal government.
Interlibrary Loan
Planning/Coordinating/Advisory Groups
Organizational Consultation/Technical Assistance
Administers community food access programs in support of regional partners, in order to promote local food production, self-reliance, and equitable food access for all community members. Partners include charitable food systems, the education system, town and volunteer groups, and faith communities.
Administers community food access programs in support of regional partners, in order to promote local food production, self-reliance, and equitable food access for all community members. Partners include charitable food systems, the education system, town and volunteer groups, and faith communities.
Gardening/Landscaping Instruction
Nutrition Education
Public Awareness/Education
Organizational Consultation/Technical Assistance