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Provides disaster related services, including providing ongoing, updated information to the public during disasters, fielding non-emergency calls, offering information about relief services, collecting information about individual property damages, and researching and confirming or denying rumors.


Disaster Donations Hotlines
Post Disaster Damage Reporting
Information Clearinghouses
Disaster Declarations Information
Disaster Preparedness Information
Community Disaster Service Centers/Hotlines
Disaster Related Rumor Control
Provides an online searchable, map-based directory of community and school gardens around the state, tools and tips for garden organizers, garden grant listings, a statewide garden-related events calendar, and resources such as seeds. Technical assistance via email or phone, and community garden start-up support are also available.


Information Clearinghouses
Provides an informational guide for those parenting by adoption or guardianship.
Provides information that assists travelers with making health and immunization decisions prior to traveling and provides protocol guidelines for individuals returning from international travel when disease outbreaks are an issue. Online travelers' health resources include a checklist for vaccination and travel, a national Find-a-Clinic link, and a continuously updated travelers' resource library. To locate the nearest travel immunization provider in Vermont, be sure to follow the link provided. Click on Find a Clinic and then the Yellow Fever Vaccination Clinics link. This will take you to the interactive map that will provide a list of all travel immunization sites in Vermont.
Offers a series of health-related workshops and presentations provided virtually for the community. Topics may include movement and exercise, nutrition,and health/disease-specfic support group meetings. Provides information and access to My Healthy Vermont self-management for individuals living with diseases and Wellness Recovery Action Planning for mental health self-management. Quit Smoking, Vaping, or using nicotine virtual classes are also offered. They partner with 802 Quits, which provides free patches, nicotine gum and lozenges.


Wellness Programs
Health/Disability Related Support Groups
Smoking/Vaping Cessation
Nutrition Education
Information Clearinghouses
Chronic Disease Self Management Programs
Diabetes Management Clinics
Flu Vaccines
General Health Education Programs
Provides a comprehensive online listing of assisted living facilities in Vermont. Assisted Living Residences are state licensed residences that combine housing, health, and supportive services to support resident independence and aging in place.
Collects, classifies and distributes information about specific topics or problems such as the opioid addiction crisis, the impact of adverse childhood experiences, and suicide. Provides injury prevention information about topics such as motor vehicle safety, home and recreational safety, and violence prevention.


Driving Safety Education
Epidemic Investigation
Suicide Prevention Programs
Information Clearinghouses
General Safety Education
Offers a series of health-related workshops and presentations for the community, many of which are offered by health professionals. Information about local wellness programs is provided on line and is also published in flyer form. Topics may include movement and exercise, nutrition, childbirth education, car seat safety, chronic disease self-management, and health/disease specific support group meetings. Provides the Vermont Deaprtment of Health Quit Time services that link Vermonters to free services and information to quit smoking. Offers phone, 802 QUITS, and in-person coaching, online support, access to free nicotine replacement (gum, patches and lozenges) and self-help tools, as well as to a Vermont Quit Partners Fresh Start Program series of weekly support meetings. Series is four-weeks long; new sessions start every month. Click on Support Group tab to see list of support groups. Project Independence Caregiver Support Group can provide respite care during meetings if it's necessary to bring a loved one. Contact Project Independence the week before to request.


Chronic Disease Self Management Programs
Mental Health Self Management Programs
Caregiver/Care Receiver Support Groups
Health/Disability Related Support Groups
Nutrition Education
Diabetes Management Clinics
Smoking/Vaping Cessation
Wellness Programs
Information Clearinghouses
General Health Education Programs
Provides a search engine on which to find local programs that offer free gun safety kits, and information and materials about gun safety to the public and to schools.


Information Clearinghouses
Firearm Safety Education
Offers a series of health-related workshops and presentations for the community, many of which are offered by health professionals. Information about local wellness programs is provided on line and is also published in flyer form. Topics include movement and exercise, nutrition, childbirth education, car seat safety, chronic disease self-management, and health/disease specific support group meetings. Provides the Vermont Department of Health Quit Time services that link Vermonters to free services and information to quit smoking. Offers phone, 802 QUITS, and in-person coaching, online support, access to free nicotine replacement (gum, patches and lozenges) and self-help tools, as well as to a Quit Time Tobacco Cessation series of weekly support meetings.


Chronic Disease Self Management Programs
Smoking/Vaping Cessation
Information Clearinghouses
Mental Health Self Management Programs
Nutrition Education
General Health Education Programs
Health/Disability Related Support Groups
Wellness Programs
Non-Emergency Medical Transportation
Offers a resource center focused on improving the quality of service and support offered to LGBTQ2+ older adults. Includes an online resource library of information related to LGBTQ2+ aging, and resources specific to each state; an information and referral service for LGBTQ2+ older adults, their families, and their caregivers; and training and technical assistance for healthcare providers, LGBTQ2+ organizations, and LGBTQ2+ older adults.


Information Clearinghouses
Specialized Information and Referral
Organizational Consultation/Technical Assistance
Offers a series of health-related workshops and presentations for the community, many of which are offered by health professionals. Information about local wellness programs is also published in the Healthy Plus, a publication of the hospital. Topics may include movement and exercise, nutrition, childbirth education, car seat safety, chronic disease self-management, and health/disease specific support group meetings.


Nutrition Education
Information Clearinghouses
General Health Education Programs
Diabetes Management Clinics
Smoking/Vaping Cessation
Chronic Disease Self Management Programs
Wellness Programs
Health/Disability Related Support Groups
Maintains an online community calendar providing information about parent/child activities, family entertainment, special events, and ideas for family fun in northern Vermont. Calendar listings include weekend events, after-school activities, camps, festivals, story times and much more. Maintains listing of doula services.
Offers a series of health-related workshops and presentations for the community, many of which are offered by health professionals. Information about local wellness programs is also published in the Healthy Community flyer, a publication of the hospital. Topics include movement and exercise, nutrition, childbirth education, car seat safety, chronic disease self-management, and health/disease specific support group meetings. Provides the Vermont Department of Health Quit Time services that link Vermonters to free services and information to quit smoking. Offers phone, 802 QUITS, and in-person coaching, online support, access to free nicotine replacement (gum, patches and lozenges) and self-help tools, as well as to a Quit Time Tobacco Cessation series of weekly support meetings. Specially designed phone coaching sessions and self-help materials are available for pregnant smokers. Health and disease-specific support group information is available by calling the Healthy Community Program number at Central Vermont Community Center. Examples of program offerings are: Healthier Living Workshop, Portion Distortion, Pre-Natal Yoga, Childbirth Education Classes, and Community Reiki Clinics.


Nutrition Education
General Health Education Programs
Diabetes Management Clinics
Wellness Programs
Information Clearinghouses
Chronic Disease Self Management Programs
Smoking/Vaping Cessation
Health/Disability Related Support Groups
Offers a series of health-related workshops and presentations for the community, many of which are offered by health professionals. Information about local wellness programs is also published in the Healthy Plus, a publication of the hospital. Topics may include movement and exercise, nutrition, childbirth education, car seat safety, chronic disease self-management, and health/disease specific support group meetings.


Nutrition Education
Information Clearinghouses
General Health Education Programs
Diabetes Management Clinics
Smoking/Vaping Cessation
Chronic Disease Self Management Programs
Wellness Programs
Health/Disability Related Support Groups
Provides a list and online map of all permanent Vermont locations where unused prescription drugs, including needles/sharps, can be dropped off throughout the year. Offers free prepaid postage envelopes for mailing in unused dry prescription drugs. Also provides information about safe disposal of needles/sharps as well as an online link to all National Drug Take Back Day sites.
Offers a series of health-related workshops and presentations for the community, many of which are offered by health professionals. Information about local wellness programs is provided on line and is also published in flyer form. Topics can include movement and exercise, nutrition, childbirth education, car seat safety, chronic disease self-management, and health/disease specific support group meetings.


Chronic Disease Self Management Programs
Information Clearinghouses
Wellness Programs
Nutrition Education
Mental Health Self Management Programs
General Health Education Programs
Diabetes Management Clinics
Pursues the preservation and protection of endangered land resources from indiscriminate development. Partners with local and statewide conservation organizations to conserve Vermont lands for the future. Conservation efforts include acquisition of development rights transferred through conservation easements for Vermont farms, working forest projects, and community projects. Also offers an online directory of conserved land open to the public for recreational trails. Staff can meet with interested landowners to explain possible tax benefits and to discuss possible methods for conserving his/her land permanently. To find online list of land trusts, go to Funders and Partners page on website, scroll down to Partners section.
Provides online consumer safety education materials and resources such as videos, brochures and posters, on a variety of topics such as: carbon monoxide poisoning prevention, battery safety and home generator safety.
Offers a series of health-related workshops and presentations for the community, many of which are offered by health professionals. Information about local wellness programs is provided on line and is also published in flyer form. Topics include movement and exercise, nutrition, childbirth education, car seat safety, chronic disease self-management, and health/disease specific support group meetings.


Nutrition Education
Chronic Disease Self Management Programs
Diabetes Management Clinics
Smoking/Vaping Cessation
General Health Education Programs
Information Clearinghouses
Mental Health Self Management Programs
Health/Disability Related Support Groups
Wellness Programs
Offers a series of health-related workshops and presentations for the community, many of which are offered by health professionals. Information about local wellness programs is provided on line and is also published in flyer form. Topics include movement and exercise, nutrition, childbirth education, car seat safety, chronic disease self-management, and health/disease specific support group meetings.


Diabetes Management Clinics
Health/Disability Related Support Groups
Information Clearinghouses
Smoking/Vaping Cessation
Nutrition Education
General Health Education Programs
Wellness Programs
Chronic Disease Self Management Programs
Pursues the preservation and protection of endangered land resources from indiscriminate development. Partners with local and statewide conservation organizations to conserve Vermont lands for the future. Conservation efforts include acquisition of development rights transferred through conservation easements for Vermont farms, working forest projects, and community projects. Also offers an online directory of conserved land open to the public for recreational trails. Staff can meet with interested landowners to explain possible tax benefits and to discuss possible methods for conserving his/her land permanently. To find online list of land trusts, go to Funders and Partners page on website, scroll down to Partners section.
Provides a portal through which Vermonters can apply for health insurance. Offers help in understanding and applying for health insurance. Helps small businesses enroll in group health plans.


Small Business Health Options Programs
State Health Insurance Marketplace Call Centers/Websites
Information Clearinghouses
Health Insurance Marketplaces
Pursues the preservation and protection of endangered land resources from indiscriminate development. Partners with local and statewide conservation organizations to conserve Vermont lands for the future. Conservation efforts include acquisition of development rights transferred through conservation easements for Vermont farms, working forest projects, and community projects. Also offers an online directory of conserved land open to the public for recreational trails. Staff can meet with interested landowners to explain possible tax benefits and to discuss possible methods for conserving his/her land permanently. To find online list of land trusts, go to Funders and Partners page on website, scroll down to Partners section.
Offers educational programs about Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia. Maintains a resource lending library and publishes a newsletter for families and caregivers. Speakers are available to address issues and concerns to community groups.