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Provides the public with an emergency alert messaging service via mobile phone, land line, text, and e-mail. Alerts include information about disasters, weather advisories, fire advisories, traffic bulletins, road closures bulletins, Amber Alerts, product safety alerts, hazardous materials advisories, and public health notifications. Individuals are able to choose receipt of alerts for the entire state or for specific areas within Vermont that they wish to be contacted about, such as their home locations, their relatives' home locations and their places of employment. VT-Alert is also on X and Facebook


Thunderstorm Advisories
Traffic Bulletins/Information
Child Kidnapping Alert Programs
Hazardous Materials Emergency Advisories
Hurricane Advisories
Cold Weather Advisories
Flood Advisories
Road Closures Bulletins
Extreme Heat Advisories/Warnings
Silver Alerts
Public Health Advisories
Winter Storm Advisories
Fire Advisories
Product Safety Alerts/Recalls
Fraud Prevention
Provides online interactive maps that help Vermonters easily access a range of road information, including road closures due to disaster, road projects and maintenance districts and road work, pavement condition, and locations of snow plows. Also provides online links to road cameras to view road weather conditions.


Snow Clearance/Street Salting
Street Construction/Repair
Road Closures Bulletins