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Fields housing discrimination complaints. People with credible issues covered by fair housing law are then referred to the Vermont Human Rights Commission, HUD, or Vermont Legal Aid, as appropriate. Also provides public advocacy, outreach, and education on fair housing issues, including publishing information, such as the Guide to Fair Housing for Families in Vermont, and conducting trainings and workshops about fair housing law.


Public Awareness/Education
Housing Advocacy Groups
Housing Discrimination Assistance
Offers free information and non-legal advice about the rights and responsibilities of tenants and landlords in Vermont. Provides educational workshops and classes about Vermont's residential rental housing laws and codes, and enforcement policies. Class may include such topics as "Tenant Skills" and "Finding Housing." Also publishes the "Finding Common Ground: The Definitive Guide to Renting in Vermont," which summarizes Vermont's Landlord-Tenant laws. Other publications available include "An Illustrated Guide To Vermont Renter's Rights" and Vermont's Rental Housing Health Code. Advocate CANNOT respond to a tenant's question via email. Tenant must telephone the Vermont Tenants and Fair Housing Hotline and leave a message. Downloadable copies of Renting in Vermont, An Illustrated Guide To Vermont Renter's Rights and other publications are available on the website.


Housing Advocacy Groups
Public Awareness/Education
Tenant Rights Information/Counseling