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Provides loans to community organizations and facilities that provide essential services and opportunities to Vermonters, including rural health centers, youth/family organizations, recreational centers, elder care facilities, arts organizations, preservation organizations, historical societies & other cultural organizations. Offer business advisory services and support at no cost to borrowers and clients.


Community Development Financial Institutions
Business Assistance Centers
Small Business Development
Provides a range of business assistance services, including technical assistance; a listing of local, state, and federal grants and resources; marketing support; links to training; vendor opportunities; guidelines for business operations; and information about commercial space availability.


Business Assistance Services
Business Assistance Centers
Meeting Space
Small Business Development
Provides one-on-one confidential advice for both existing and start-up businesses. The main areas of assistance include, but are not limited to, business start-ups, business plan development, acquisition, marketing, expansion, capital formation, finance, and environmental assistance.