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Offers ongoing one-to-one programs and summer camps that reconnect youth with the skills and values of Vermont’s traditional working landscape. Activities may include classical horsemanship, the arts, gardening, and sustainable agricultural practices. Participants build confidence and social skills as they learn about the work and play of a working beef and horse farm.
Offers a therapeutic riding program that fosters emotional growth, physical strength, communication skills, self-esteem, self-awareness, healing, and personal transformation. Offers summer week-long camps whose activities focus on improving campers' confidence and social skills while offering support for challenging behavior. Activities may include equestrian care and riding, hiking, farm and environment activities, and arts and crafts.


Equestrian Therapy
Provides hippotherapy and equestrian therapy to eligible children and adults. Assists military veterans through services and by being involved with horses. Also offers adaptive carriage driving. Equine services is the therapeutic riding program offered by the Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship, Int'l (PATH, INT'L); Affiliated with Wounded Warriors Project, and the Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Centers and Clinics for military veterans of any age. Rhythm of the Rein is a program certified by PATH, INT'L. Intake packets available upon request. Forms are found on the website. Leave a message for a return call when contacting via telephone. Walk in is available for individuals.
Provides equine assisted activities to address physical, emotional, social, and cognitive challenges of children and adults with disabilities.


Equestrian Therapy
Provides a nationally certified therapeutic riding program with equine-facilitated activities for persons with disabilities, including veterans. Professional staff, volunteers, and horses work as a team to provide case-specific lessons addressing the physical, emotional, and cognitive challenges of participants.


Equestrian Therapy
Provides a recreational therapy riding program where students are able to care for horses, exercise, learn to focus their attention and energy, carry out increasingly complex directions, and interact with volunteers and other riders. CHAMP is a PATH International (Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship International) accredited program.


Equestrian Therapy
Recreational Activities/Sports Volunteer Opportunities