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Matches volunteer opportunities with individuals and groups that wish to volunteer. Also coordinates annual Days of Caring event each September. During times of regional disasters or emergencies provides information intended to help everyone in their communities get to the resources they need quickly and efficiently.
Matches volunteer opportunities with individuals and groups that wish to volunteer. Also coordinates annual Days of Caring event each September. During times of regional disasters or emergencies provides information intended to help everyone in their communities get to the resources they need quickly and efficiently.
Disaster/Emergency Services Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteer Recruitment/Placement
Develops partnerships, coordinates volunteers, and offers program initiatives that address specific issues in education, income, and health. This includes the areas of financial stability, financial literacy, individual nutritional and physical well being, early learning, addiction prevention, and supporting the basic needs of housing, food, and accessibility in service communities. The United Way of Rutland County initiates fund raising designed to help the communities it serves in a critical time of need. All funds are used to support organizations and people in UWRC service area.
Develops partnerships, coordinates volunteers, and offers program initiatives that address specific issues in education, income, and health. This includes the areas of financial stability, financial literacy, individual nutritional and physical well being, early learning, addiction prevention, and supporting the basic needs of housing, food, and accessibility in service communities. The United Way of Rutland County initiates fund raising designed to help the communities it serves in a critical time of need. All funds are used to support organizations and people in UWRC service area.
Public Awareness/Education
Community Funds
Disaster/Emergency Services Volunteer Opportunities
Federated Giving Programs
Offers a way to register as a general volunteer to help with needs due to flooding or other disasters. Follow directions on the linked page.
Offers a way to register as a general volunteer to help with needs due to flooding or other disasters. Follow directions on the linked page.
Disaster/Emergency Services Volunteer Opportunities
Promotes volunteerism and provides assistance with finding volunteer opportunities within the community, Provides an online volunteer match/referral service where individuals who would like to volunteer in their communities can find a listing of opportunities and where agencies and organizations seeking volunteers can post volunteer opportunities. During times of regional disasters or emergencies provides information intended to help everyone in their communities get to the resources they need quickly and efficiently.
Promotes volunteerism and provides assistance with finding volunteer opportunities within the community, Provides an online volunteer match/referral service where individuals who would like to volunteer in their communities can find a listing of opportunities and where agencies and organizations seeking volunteers can post volunteer opportunities. During times of regional disasters or emergencies provides information intended to help everyone in their communities get to the resources they need quickly and efficiently.
Disaster/Emergency Services Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteer Recruitment/Placement
Promotes volunteerism and assists with finding volunteer opportunities in the community. Provides an online interactive volunteer opportunities match/referral page where individuals who would like to volunteer in their communities can find listing of opportunities and where agencies and organizations seeking volunteers can post volunteer opportunities. During times of regional disasters or emergencies provides information intended to help everyone in their communities get to the resources they need quickly and efficiently.
Promotes volunteerism and assists with finding volunteer opportunities in the community. Provides an online interactive volunteer opportunities match/referral page where individuals who would like to volunteer in their communities can find listing of opportunities and where agencies and organizations seeking volunteers can post volunteer opportunities. During times of regional disasters or emergencies provides information intended to help everyone in their communities get to the resources they need quickly and efficiently.
Disaster/Emergency Services Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteer Recruitment/Placement
Promotes volunteerism and provides assistance with finding volunteer opportunities within the community, Provides an online volunteer match/referral service where individuals who would like to volunteer in their communities can find a listing of opportunities and where agencies and organizations seeking volunteers can post volunteer opportunities. During times of regional disasters or emergencies provides information intended to help everyone in their communities get to the resources they need quickly and efficiently.
Promotes volunteerism and provides assistance with finding volunteer opportunities within the community, Provides an online volunteer match/referral service where individuals who would like to volunteer in their communities can find a listing of opportunities and where agencies and organizations seeking volunteers can post volunteer opportunities. During times of regional disasters or emergencies provides information intended to help everyone in their communities get to the resources they need quickly and efficiently.
Disaster/Emergency Services Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteer Recruitment/Placement
Promotes volunteerism and provides assistance with finding volunteer opportunities within the community, Provides an online volunteer match/referral service where individuals who would like to volunteer in their communities can find a listing of opportunities and where agencies and organizations seeking volunteers can post volunteer opportunities. During times of regional disasters or emergencies provides information intended to help everyone in their communities get to the resources they need quickly and efficiently. Will work with businesses who want to encourage volunteerism by their employees
Promotes volunteerism and provides assistance with finding volunteer opportunities within the community, Provides an online volunteer match/referral service where individuals who would like to volunteer in their communities can find a listing of opportunities and where agencies and organizations seeking volunteers can post volunteer opportunities. During times of regional disasters or emergencies provides information intended to help everyone in their communities get to the resources they need quickly and efficiently. Will work with businesses who want to encourage volunteerism by their employees
Volunteer Recruitment/Placement
Disaster/Emergency Services Volunteer Opportunities
Provides case management, clean up, donation matching, financial resources, home repair, and rebuilding assistance to those impacted by the flood, and volunteer opportunities.
Provides case management, clean up, donation matching, financial resources, home repair, and rebuilding assistance to those impacted by the flood, and volunteer opportunities.
Post Disaster Rebuilding Assistance
Disaster Donations Matching Services
Disaster Specific Home Repair
Case/Care Management
Disaster Claims Information
Post Disaster Cleanup
Disaster Related Monetary Fund Management
Disaster/Emergency Services Volunteer Opportunities
Provides a range of support services to those impacted by flooding or other natural disasters. Some services include outreach and information on individual flood recovery, financial assistance, and navigation through state and federal application processes.
Provides a range of support services to those impacted by flooding or other natural disasters. Some services include outreach and information on individual flood recovery, financial assistance, and navigation through state and federal application processes.
Disaster/Emergency Services Volunteer Opportunities
Disaster Related Monetary Fund Management
Case/Care Management
Disaster Donations Matching Services
Public Awareness/Education
Provides health and welfare emergency communications during disasters or significant failures of telecommunication systems through a volunteer organization of amateur radio operators who are licensed by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Services (RACES) volunteers can be activated to provide alternative communications channels following a major disaster or large-scale emergency that disrupts the normal functioning of a community. There are currently 40 fixed RACES stations with the capability of deploying 15 mobile Command Centers stations throughout the State.
Provides health and welfare emergency communications during disasters or significant failures of telecommunication systems through a volunteer organization of amateur radio operators who are licensed by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Services (RACES) volunteers can be activated to provide alternative communications channels following a major disaster or large-scale emergency that disrupts the normal functioning of a community. There are currently 40 fixed RACES stations with the capability of deploying 15 mobile Command Centers stations throughout the State.
Disaster/Emergency Services Volunteer Opportunities
Emergency Communications
Provides clean up, support with applications such as FEMA or other sources, financial resources to those impacted by the flood, and volunteer opportunities.
Provides clean up, support with applications such as FEMA or other sources, financial resources to those impacted by the flood, and volunteer opportunities.
Disaster Related Cash Grants
Disaster/Emergency Services Volunteer Opportunities
Certificates/Forms Assistance
Disaster Related Monetary Fund Management