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Recruits volunteers and places them in community service jobs at non-profit organizations based on their experience, knowledge, and skills. Volunteers receive training, assessment, recognition for their contributions, and supplemental insurance coverage.
Recruits volunteers and places them in community service jobs at non-profit organizations based on their experience, knowledge, and skills. Volunteers receive training, assessment, recognition for their contributions, and supplemental insurance coverage.
RSVP Program
Volunteer Recruitment/Placement
Promotes volunteerism and provides assistance with finding volunteer opportunities within the community, Provides an online volunteer match/referral service where individuals who would like to volunteer in their communities can find a listing of opportunities and where agencies and organizations seeking volunteers can post volunteer opportunities. During times of regional disasters or emergencies provides information intended to support community residents in getting the resources they need quickly and efficiently.
Promotes volunteerism and provides assistance with finding volunteer opportunities within the community, Provides an online volunteer match/referral service where individuals who would like to volunteer in their communities can find a listing of opportunities and where agencies and organizations seeking volunteers can post volunteer opportunities. During times of regional disasters or emergencies provides information intended to support community residents in getting the resources they need quickly and efficiently.
Volunteer Recruitment/Placement
Disaster Related Volunteer Preparedness/Mobilization Programs
Sells new and gently used furniture, building supplies, appliances, tools, and home improvement products. Accepts donations of used vehicles for scrap. Proceeds help to fund area Habitat for Humanity projects.
Sells new and gently used furniture, building supplies, appliances, tools, and home improvement products. Accepts donations of used vehicles for scrap. Proceeds help to fund area Habitat for Humanity projects.
Household Goods
Volunteer Recruitment/Placement
Household Tools/Equipment Donation Programs
Household Tools/Equipment
General Clothing Donation Programs
Household Goods Donation Programs
Low Cost Building Materials/Supplies
Building Materials/Supplies Donation Programs
Automobile Donation Programs
Provides personal assistance to older adults interested in volunteering in order to make a difference in their communities by matching the skills and experience of the volunteer with the needs of local non-profit organizations. The program also manages a range of volunteer programs including RSVP School Buddies, RSVP Read To Me, and other programs that address education, income, and health. RSVP volunteers may serve anywhere from ten hours a year to as often as they choose.
Provides personal assistance to older adults interested in volunteering in order to make a difference in their communities by matching the skills and experience of the volunteer with the needs of local non-profit organizations. The program also manages a range of volunteer programs including RSVP School Buddies, RSVP Read To Me, and other programs that address education, income, and health. RSVP volunteers may serve anywhere from ten hours a year to as often as they choose.
RSVP Program
Volunteer Recruitment/Placement
Recruits volunteers and places them in community service jobs at non-profit organizations based on their experience, knowledge and skills. Volunteers receive training, assessment, recognition for their contributions and receive supplemental insurance coverage.
Recruits volunteers and places them in community service jobs at non-profit organizations based on their experience, knowledge and skills. Volunteers receive training, assessment, recognition for their contributions and receive supplemental insurance coverage.
RSVP Program
Volunteer Recruitment/Placement
Recruits volunteers and places them in community service jobs at non-profit organizations based on their experience, knowledge and skills. Volunteers receive training, assessment, recognition for their contributions and receive supplemental insurance coverage.
Recruits volunteers and places them in community service jobs at non-profit organizations based on their experience, knowledge and skills. Volunteers receive training, assessment, recognition for their contributions and receive supplemental insurance coverage.
RSVP Program
Volunteer Recruitment/Placement
Provides volunteer opportunities to individuals based on their talents, interests, experience, and availability.
Provides volunteer opportunities to individuals based on their talents, interests, experience, and availability.
Volunteer Recruitment/Placement
Provides volunteer opportunities and offers placement based on each person's talents, interests, experience, and availability. Also offers supplemental insurance, support, and recognition as a volunteer. The RSVP Program is part of Senior Corps, a network of programs administered by the Corporation for National and Community Service. RSVP of Rutland and Addison Counties is sponsored by the Community Care Network.
Provides volunteer opportunities and offers placement based on each person's talents, interests, experience, and availability. Also offers supplemental insurance, support, and recognition as a volunteer. The RSVP Program is part of Senior Corps, a network of programs administered by the Corporation for National and Community Service. RSVP of Rutland and Addison Counties is sponsored by the Community Care Network.
Volunteer Recruitment/Placement
RSVP Program
Promotes volunteerism and provides assistance with finding volunteer opportunities within the community, Provides an online volunteer match/referral service where individuals who would like to volunteer in their communities can find a listing of opportunities and where agencies and organizations seeking volunteers can post volunteer opportunities. During times of regional disasters or emergencies provides information intended to help everyone in their communities get to the resources they need quickly and efficiently.
Promotes volunteerism and provides assistance with finding volunteer opportunities within the community, Provides an online volunteer match/referral service where individuals who would like to volunteer in their communities can find a listing of opportunities and where agencies and organizations seeking volunteers can post volunteer opportunities. During times of regional disasters or emergencies provides information intended to help everyone in their communities get to the resources they need quickly and efficiently.
Disaster/Emergency Services Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteer Recruitment/Placement
Promotes volunteerism and assists with finding volunteer opportunities in the community. Provides an online interactive volunteer opportunities match/referral page where individuals who would like to volunteer in their communities can find listing of opportunities and where agencies and organizations seeking volunteers can post volunteer opportunities. During times of regional disasters or emergencies provides information intended to help everyone in their communities get to the resources they need quickly and efficiently.
Promotes volunteerism and assists with finding volunteer opportunities in the community. Provides an online interactive volunteer opportunities match/referral page where individuals who would like to volunteer in their communities can find listing of opportunities and where agencies and organizations seeking volunteers can post volunteer opportunities. During times of regional disasters or emergencies provides information intended to help everyone in their communities get to the resources they need quickly and efficiently.
Disaster/Emergency Services Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteer Recruitment/Placement
Sells new and gently used furniture, building supplies, appliances, tools, and home improvement products. Accepts donations of used vehicles for scrap. Proceeds help to fund area Habitat for Humanity projects.
Sells new and gently used furniture, building supplies, appliances, tools, and home improvement products. Accepts donations of used vehicles for scrap. Proceeds help to fund area Habitat for Humanity projects.
Household Goods
Volunteer Recruitment/Placement
Household Tools/Equipment Donation Programs
Household Tools/Equipment
General Clothing Donation Programs
Household Goods Donation Programs
Low Cost Building Materials/Supplies
Building Materials/Supplies Donation Programs
Automobile Donation Programs
Promotes volunteerism and provides assistance with finding volunteer opportunities within the community, Provides an online volunteer match/referral service where individuals who would like to volunteer in their communities can find a listing of opportunities and where agencies and organizations seeking volunteers can post volunteer opportunities. During times of regional disasters or emergencies provides information intended to help everyone in their communities get to the resources they need quickly and efficiently.
Promotes volunteerism and provides assistance with finding volunteer opportunities within the community, Provides an online volunteer match/referral service where individuals who would like to volunteer in their communities can find a listing of opportunities and where agencies and organizations seeking volunteers can post volunteer opportunities. During times of regional disasters or emergencies provides information intended to help everyone in their communities get to the resources they need quickly and efficiently.
Disaster/Emergency Services Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteer Recruitment/Placement
Promotes volunteerism and provides assistance with finding volunteer opportunities within the community, Provides an online volunteer match/referral service where individuals who would like to volunteer in their communities can find a listing of opportunities and where agencies and organizations seeking volunteers can post volunteer opportunities. During times of regional disasters or emergencies provides information intended to help everyone in their communities get to the resources they need quickly and efficiently. Will work with businesses who want to encourage volunteerism by their employees
Promotes volunteerism and provides assistance with finding volunteer opportunities within the community, Provides an online volunteer match/referral service where individuals who would like to volunteer in their communities can find a listing of opportunities and where agencies and organizations seeking volunteers can post volunteer opportunities. During times of regional disasters or emergencies provides information intended to help everyone in their communities get to the resources they need quickly and efficiently. Will work with businesses who want to encourage volunteerism by their employees
Volunteer Recruitment/Placement
Disaster/Emergency Services Volunteer Opportunities
Provides volunteer opportunities and offers placement based on each person's talents, interests, experience, and availability. Also offers supplemental insurance, support, and recognition as a volunteer. The RSVP Program is part of Senior Corps, a network of programs administered by the Corporation for National and Community Service. RSVP of Rutland and Addison Counties is sponsored by the Community Care Network.
Provides volunteer opportunities and offers placement based on each person's talents, interests, experience, and availability. Also offers supplemental insurance, support, and recognition as a volunteer. The RSVP Program is part of Senior Corps, a network of programs administered by the Corporation for National and Community Service. RSVP of Rutland and Addison Counties is sponsored by the Community Care Network.
Volunteer Recruitment/Placement
RSVP Program
Matches volunteer opportunities with individuals and groups that wish to volunteer. Also coordinates annual Days of Caring event each September. During times of regional disasters or emergencies provides information intended to help everyone in their communities get to the resources they need quickly and efficiently.
Matches volunteer opportunities with individuals and groups that wish to volunteer. Also coordinates annual Days of Caring event each September. During times of regional disasters or emergencies provides information intended to help everyone in their communities get to the resources they need quickly and efficiently.
Disaster/Emergency Services Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteer Recruitment/Placement
Sells new and gently used furniture, building supplies, appliances, tools, and home improvement products. Accepts donations of used vehicles for scrap. Proceeds help to fund area Habitat for Humanity projects.
Sells new and gently used furniture, building supplies, appliances, tools, and home improvement products. Accepts donations of used vehicles for scrap. Proceeds help to fund area Habitat for Humanity projects.
Household Goods
Volunteer Recruitment/Placement
Household Tools/Equipment Donation Programs
Household Tools/Equipment
General Clothing Donation Programs
Household Goods Donation Programs
Low Cost Building Materials/Supplies
Building Materials/Supplies Donation Programs
Automobile Donation Programs
Recruits volunteers and places them in community service jobs at non-profit organizations based on their experience, knowledge, and skills. Volunteers receive training, assessment, recognition for their contributions, and supplemental insurance coverage.
Recruits volunteers and places them in community service jobs at non-profit organizations based on their experience, knowledge, and skills. Volunteers receive training, assessment, recognition for their contributions, and supplemental insurance coverage.
RSVP Program
Volunteer Recruitment/Placement
Recruits volunteers and places them in community service jobs at non-profit organizations based on their experience, knowledge, and skills. Volunteers receive training, assessment, recognition for their contributions, and supplemental insurance coverage.
Recruits volunteers and places them in community service jobs at non-profit organizations based on their experience, knowledge, and skills. Volunteers receive training, assessment, recognition for their contributions, and supplemental insurance coverage.
RSVP Program
Volunteer Recruitment/Placement
Sells new and gently used furniture, building supplies, appliances, tools, and home improvement products. Accepts donations of used vehicles for scrap. Proceeds help to fund area Habitat for Humanity projects.
Sells new and gently used furniture, building supplies, appliances, tools, and home improvement products. Accepts donations of used vehicles for scrap. Proceeds help to fund area Habitat for Humanity projects.
Household Goods
Volunteer Recruitment/Placement
Household Tools/Equipment Donation Programs
Household Tools/Equipment
General Clothing Donation Programs
Household Goods Donation Programs
Low Cost Building Materials/Supplies
Building Materials/Supplies Donation Programs
Automobile Donation Programs
Sells new and gently used furniture, building supplies, appliances, tools, and home improvement products. Accepts donations of used vehicles for scrap. Proceeds help to fund area Habitat for Humanity projects.
Sells new and gently used furniture, building supplies, appliances, tools, and home improvement products. Accepts donations of used vehicles for scrap. Proceeds help to fund area Habitat for Humanity projects.
Household Goods
Volunteer Recruitment/Placement
Household Tools/Equipment Donation Programs
Household Tools/Equipment
General Clothing Donation Programs
Household Goods Donation Programs
Low Cost Building Materials/Supplies
Building Materials/Supplies Donation Programs
Automobile Donation Programs
Recruits volunteers and matches interests and abilities with community members in need. Administers a volunteer program and coordinates local volunteers with senior community members who would like friendly visiting sessions, telephone reassurance calls, and minor home repairs. Provides volunteer drivers to assist with transportation to needed services such as medical, dental, grocery shopping, senior meal sites, court dates, housing appointments, etc. This service is not a formal transportation service and provision of rides is dependent upon volunteer driver availability. One week advance notice appreciated for a ride request.
Recruits volunteers and matches interests and abilities with community members in need. Administers a volunteer program and coordinates local volunteers with senior community members who would like friendly visiting sessions, telephone reassurance calls, and minor home repairs. Provides volunteer drivers to assist with transportation to needed services such as medical, dental, grocery shopping, senior meal sites, court dates, housing appointments, etc. This service is not a formal transportation service and provision of rides is dependent upon volunteer driver availability. One week advance notice appreciated for a ride request.
Friendly Telephoning
General Minor Home Repair Programs
Telephone Reassurance
Non-Emergency Medical Transportation
Errand Running/Shopping Assistance
Volunteer Recruitment/Placement
Friendly Visiting
Senior Ride Programs
Transportation Volunteer Opportunities
Offers a program that matches LGBTQ2+ older adults with volunteers for weekly phone calls in order to maintain social connections and reduce feelings of isolation.
Offers a program that matches LGBTQ2+ older adults with volunteers for weekly phone calls in order to maintain social connections and reduce feelings of isolation.
Volunteer Recruitment/Placement
Friendly Telephoning
Sells new and gently used furniture, building supplies, appliances, tools, and home improvement products. Accepts donations of used vehicles for scrap. Proceeds help to fund area Habitat for Humanity projects.
Sells new and gently used furniture, building supplies, appliances, tools, and home improvement products. Accepts donations of used vehicles for scrap. Proceeds help to fund area Habitat for Humanity projects.
Household Goods
Volunteer Recruitment/Placement
Household Tools/Equipment Donation Programs
Household Tools/Equipment
General Clothing Donation Programs
Household Goods Donation Programs
Low Cost Building Materials/Supplies
Building Materials/Supplies Donation Programs
Automobile Donation Programs
Offers a program where trained volunteers are matched with individuals experiencing loneliness or who are socially isolated. Volunteers typically call weekly for 15-60 minutes to provide socialization and companionship via phone or video calls, as needed. Individuals should contact their VA primary care physician or VA social worker. Individuals should contact their local VA Center for Development and Civic Engagement for volunteer opportunites.
Offers a program where trained volunteers are matched with individuals experiencing loneliness or who are socially isolated. Volunteers typically call weekly for 15-60 minutes to provide socialization and companionship via phone or video calls, as needed. Individuals should contact their VA primary care physician or VA social worker. Individuals should contact their local VA Center for Development and Civic Engagement for volunteer opportunites.
Friendly Visiting
Volunteer Recruitment/Placement
Friendly Chat
Offers programs to educate consumers and connect them with the resources they need to increase energy efficiency and use of renewable and local energy sources. Encourages the development and responsible use of solar, wind, hydroelectric, geothermal, biomass and other renewable and/or sustainable energy sources and technologies as alternatives to fossil fuels and nuclear power. Connects Vermonters seeking guidance and assistance with volunteers who will discuss options available and offer assistance with completion of applications.
Offers programs to educate consumers and connect them with the resources they need to increase energy efficiency and use of renewable and local energy sources. Encourages the development and responsible use of solar, wind, hydroelectric, geothermal, biomass and other renewable and/or sustainable energy sources and technologies as alternatives to fossil fuels and nuclear power. Connects Vermonters seeking guidance and assistance with volunteers who will discuss options available and offer assistance with completion of applications.
Volunteer Recruitment/Placement
Certificates/Forms Assistance
Weatherization Programs
Public Awareness/Education
Alternative Energy Sources Development/Use