
1-25 of 45
Provides case management, benefits advocacy, volunteer support services, health and addiction treatment referrals, condom and safer sex information, nutritious food program, and limited financial assistance to help with basic and emergency needs.


Specialized Information and Referral
Case/Care Management
Health/Disability Related Support Groups
Undesignated Temporary Financial Assistance
Provides peer support through online communities, including a Parent and Caregiver Community and an Adult Support Community. Individuals will need to create an account to post.


Parent Support Groups
Health/Disability Related Support Groups
Provides information, education, support, and advocacy on topics such as hearing loss, audiologists, hearing aids, cochlear implants, and telecommunications equipment through local chapters and state organizations. The program offers online peer-to-peer networking. HLAA also has an active social media presence, on Facebook: (HearingLossAssociation), Twitter: (@HLAA), and Instagram (hearinglossassociation).


Specialized Information and Referral
Health/Disability Related Support Groups
Peer to Peer Networking
Offers a series of health-related workshops and presentations provided virtually for the community. Topics may include movement and exercise, nutrition,and health/disease-specfic support group meetings. Provides information and access to My Healthy Vermont self-management for individuals living with diseases and Wellness Recovery Action Planning for mental health self-management. Quit Smoking, Vaping, or using nicotine virtual classes are also offered. They partner with 802 Quits, which provides free patches, nicotine gum and lozenges.


Wellness Programs
Health/Disability Related Support Groups
Smoking/Vaping Cessation
Nutrition Education
Information Clearinghouses
Chronic Disease Self Management Programs
Diabetes Management Clinics
Flu Vaccines
General Health Education Programs
Offers a series of health-related workshops and presentations for the community, many of which are offered by health professionals. Information about local wellness programs is provided on line and is also published in flyer form. Topics include movement and exercise, nutrition, childbirth education, car seat safety, chronic disease self-management, and health/disease specific support group meetings.


Chronic Disease Self Management Programs
Wellness Programs
Public Awareness/Education
Health/Disability Related Support Groups
General Health Education Programs
Diabetes Management Clinics
Smoking/Vaping Cessation
Nutrition Education
Offers a series of health-related workshops and presentations for the community, many of which are offered by health professionals. Information about local wellness programs is provided on line and is also published in flyer form. Topics may include movement and exercise, nutrition, childbirth education, car seat safety, chronic disease self-management, and health/disease specific support group meetings. Provides the Vermont Deaprtment of Health Quit Time services that link Vermonters to free services and information to quit smoking. Offers phone, 802 QUITS, and in-person coaching, online support, access to free nicotine replacement (gum, patches and lozenges) and self-help tools, as well as to a Vermont Quit Partners Fresh Start Program series of weekly support meetings. Series is four-weeks long; new sessions start every month. Click on Support Group tab to see list of support groups. Project Independence Caregiver Support Group can provide respite care during meetings if it's necessary to bring a loved one. Contact Project Independence the week before to request.


Chronic Disease Self Management Programs
Mental Health Self Management Programs
Caregiver/Care Receiver Support Groups
Health/Disability Related Support Groups
Nutrition Education
Diabetes Management Clinics
Smoking/Vaping Cessation
Wellness Programs
Information Clearinghouses
General Health Education Programs
Offers a series of health-related workshops and presentations for the community, many of which are offered by health professionals. Information about local wellness programs is provided on line and is also published in flyer form. Topics include movement and exercise, nutrition, childbirth education, car seat safety, chronic disease self-management, and health/disease specific support group meetings.


Nutrition Education
Chronic Disease Self Management Programs
Diabetes Management Clinics
Smoking/Vaping Cessation
General Health Education Programs
Information Clearinghouses
Mental Health Self Management Programs
Health/Disability Related Support Groups
Wellness Programs
Offers a series of health-related workshops and presentations for the community, many of which are offered by health professionals. Information about local wellness programs is provided on line and is also published in flyer form. Topics include movement and exercise, nutrition, childbirth education, car seat safety, chronic disease self-management, and health/disease specific support group meetings.


Diabetes Management Clinics
Health/Disability Related Support Groups
Information Clearinghouses
Smoking/Vaping Cessation
Nutrition Education
General Health Education Programs
Wellness Programs
Chronic Disease Self Management Programs
Offers online support for patients, caregivers, and those mourning the loss of a loved one through cancer using a password-protected message board format (not live chat). Support groups are led by oncology social workers.


General Bereavement and Grief Support Groups
Health/Disability Related Support Groups
Caregiver/Care Receiver Support Groups
Hosts bi-weekly Zoom support meeting facilitated by a clinician and a parent.
Provides one-on-one peer support to those recently diagnosed, in treatment, living with cancer, beyond cancer, or caregivers.


Health/Disability Related Support Groups
Peer to Peer Networking
Offers a series of health-related workshops and presentations for the community, many of which are offered by health professionals. Information about local wellness programs is provided on line and is also published in flyer form. Topics may include movement and exercise, nutrition, childbirth education, car seat safety, chronic disease self-management, and health/disease specific support group meetings. Classes and workshops may be held at various host sites throughout the area.


Information Clearinghouses
Mental Health Self Management Programs
Chronic Disease Self Management Programs
Diabetes Management Clinics
Fall Prevention Programs
Public Awareness/Education
Smoking/Vaping Cessation
Wellness Programs
General Health Education Programs
Health/Disability Related Support Groups
Special Libraries
Offers a series of health-related workshops and presentations for the community, many of which are offered by health professionals. Information about local wellness programs is provided on line and is also published in flyer form. Topics may include movement and exercise, nutrition, childbirth education, car seat safety, chronic disease self-management, and health/disease specific support group meetings. Provides the Vermont Department of Health Quit Time services that link Vermonters to free services and information to quit smoking. Offers phone, 802 QUITS, and in-person coaching, online support, access to free nicotine replacement (gum, patches and lozenges) and self-help tools, as well as to a Quit Time Tobacco Cessation series of weekly support meetings. Specially designed phone coaching sessions and self-help materials are available for pregnant smokers.


Mental Health Self Management Programs
Nutrition Education
Smoking/Vaping Cessation
Information Clearinghouses
Chronic Disease Self Management Programs
Diabetes Management Clinics
Wellness Programs
General Health Education Programs
Health/Disability Related Support Groups
Offers a series of health-related workshops and presentations for the community, many of which are offered by health professionals. Information about local wellness programs is provided on line and is also published in flyer form. Topics include movement and exercise, nutrition, childbirth education, car seat safety, chronic disease self-management, and health/disease specific support group meetings. Provides the Vermont Department of Health Quit Time services that link Vermonters to free services and information to quit smoking. Offers phone, 802 QUITS, and in-person coaching, online support, access to free nicotine replacement (gum, patches and lozenges) and self-help tools, as well as to a Quit Time Tobacco Cessation series of weekly support meetings.


Chronic Disease Self Management Programs
Smoking/Vaping Cessation
Information Clearinghouses
Mental Health Self Management Programs
Nutrition Education
General Health Education Programs
Health/Disability Related Support Groups
Wellness Programs
Non-Emergency Medical Transportation
Offers monthly in-person support groups that bring individuals with lung diseases together to learn skills to help manage their lung conditions and improve their quality of life. In Website, Enter state or zip code to find local clubs and meeting times.
Offers a series of health-related workshops and presentations for the community, many of which are offered by health professionals. Information about local wellness programs is provided on line and is also published in flyer form. Topics include nutrition, chronic disease self-management, and health/disease specific support group meetings. Provides the Vermont Deaprtment of Health 802 Quit Line services that link Vermonters to free services and information to quit smoking. 802 QUITS provides in-person coaching, telephone, and online support, as well as access to free nicotine replacement gum, patches and lozenges, and self-help tools. Also offers Fresh Start Tobacco Cessation program.


Health/Disability Related Support Groups
Diabetes Management Clinics
General Health Education Programs
Nutrition Education
Chronic Disease Self Management Programs
Mental Health Self Management Programs
Smoking/Vaping Cessation
Wellness Programs
Provides low vision services, including evaluation, information and referral, peer support groups, and instruction on adaptive techniques and aides for daily living. Transportation and Braille transcription services are also available. Offers volunteer opportunities for driving, errand assistance, and reading. Services can take place in home, at a central training site, or in a group setting at 11 different locations throughout Vermont.


Health/Disability Related Support Groups
Transportation Volunteer Opportunities
Orientation and Mobility Training
Case/Care Management
Reading Services for People With Disabilities
Disability Related Transportation
Assistive Technology Training
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Specialized Information and Referral
Blind Mobility Aids
Provides low vision services, including evaluation, information and referral, peer support groups, and instruction on adaptive techniques and aides for daily living. Transportation and Braille transcription services are also available. Offers volunteer opportunities for driving, errand assistance, and reading. Services can take place in home, at a central training site, or in a group setting at 11 different locations throughout Vermont.


Health/Disability Related Support Groups
Transportation Volunteer Opportunities
Orientation and Mobility Training
Case/Care Management
Reading Services for People With Disabilities
Disability Related Transportation
Assistive Technology Training
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Specialized Information and Referral
Blind Mobility Aids
Offers a series of health-related workshops and presentations for the community, many of which are offered by health professionals. Information about local wellness programs is provided on line and is also published in flyer form. Topics may include movement and exercise, nutrition, childbirth education, car seat safety, chronic disease self-management, and health/disease specific support group meetings. Classes and workshops may be held at various host sites throughout the area.


Information Clearinghouses
Mental Health Self Management Programs
Chronic Disease Self Management Programs
Diabetes Management Clinics
Fall Prevention Programs
Public Awareness/Education
Smoking/Vaping Cessation
Wellness Programs
General Health Education Programs
Health/Disability Related Support Groups
Special Libraries
Offers a series of health-related workshops and presentations for the community, many of which are offered by health professionals. Information about local wellness programs is also published in the Healthy Plus, a publication of the hospital. Topics may include movement and exercise, nutrition, childbirth education, car seat safety, chronic disease self-management, and health/disease specific support group meetings.


Nutrition Education
Information Clearinghouses
General Health Education Programs
Diabetes Management Clinics
Smoking/Vaping Cessation
Chronic Disease Self Management Programs
Wellness Programs
Health/Disability Related Support Groups
Provides comprehensive cancer-related treatment in a research-based, clinical care environment. Services include chemotherapy, radiation therapy, surgical treatment, and palliative care for individuals with cancer. Also researches cancer causes, prevention, cures, and treatments.


Health/Disability Related Support Groups
Nutrition Education
Disease/Disability Information
Clinical Trials
Cancer Clinics
Provides information, education, support, and advocacy on topics such as hearing loss, audiologists, hearing aids, cochlear implants, and telecommunications equipment through local chapters and state organizations. The program offers online peer-to-peer networking. HLAA also has an active social media presence, on Facebook: (HearingLossAssociation), Twitter: (@HLAA), and Instagram (hearinglossassociation).


Specialized Information and Referral
Health/Disability Related Support Groups
Peer to Peer Networking
Provides case management, benefits advocacy, volunteer support services, health and addiction treatment referrals, condom and safer sex information, nutritious food program, and limited financial assistance to help with basic and emergency needs.


Specialized Information and Referral
Case/Care Management
Health/Disability Related Support Groups
Undesignated Temporary Financial Assistance
Offers a series of health-related workshops and presentations for the community, many of which are offered by health professionals. Information about local wellness programs is provided on line and is also published in flyer form. Topics include movement and exercise, nutrition, childbirth education, car seat safety, chronic disease self-management, and health/disease specific support group meetings. Provides the Vermont Department of Health Quit Time services that link Vermonters to free services and information to quit smoking. Offers phone, 802 QUITS, and in-person coaching, online support, access to free nicotine replacement (gum, patches and lozenges) and self-help tools, as well as to a Quit Time Tobacco Cessation series of weekly support meetings.


Chronic Disease Self Management Programs
Smoking/Vaping Cessation
Information Clearinghouses
Mental Health Self Management Programs
Nutrition Education
General Health Education Programs
Health/Disability Related Support Groups
Wellness Programs
Non-Emergency Medical Transportation
Provides trained Peer Advocates who work one-on-one with individuals living with HIV/AIDS to provide ongoing support through virtual meetings, phone calls, and email. A support group meets online twice during the week and on certain Sundays.


Health/Disability Related Support Groups
Peer Counseling