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Offers the Extension Master Gardener Course, which covers the fundamentals of home gardening and plant and soil sciences, and is adapted to local needs and the Vermont environment. Program also provides a year-round toll free Extension Master Gardener Helpline, an office location for submitting plant and pest specimens for analysis, and an e-mail address to which the home gardener's horticulture questions can be addressed. The website provides information about the program; the garden help services it provides; instructions for sending plant, insect, and soil samples; and downloadable Extension Master Gardener Course registration forms. Extension Master Gardener Course is held online. Scholarship deadline is in December.
Offers the Extension Master Gardener Course, which covers the fundamentals of home gardening and plant and soil sciences, and is adapted to local needs and the Vermont environment. Program also provides a year-round toll free Extension Master Gardener Helpline, an office location for submitting plant and pest specimens for analysis, and an e-mail address to which the home gardener's horticulture questions can be addressed. The website provides information about the program; the garden help services it provides; instructions for sending plant, insect, and soil samples; and downloadable Extension Master Gardener Course registration forms. Extension Master Gardener Course is held online. Scholarship deadline is in December.
Home Gardening Assistance/Supplies
Gardening/Landscaping Instruction
Pest Identification
Administers community food access programs in support of regional partners, in order to promote local food production, self-reliance, and equitable food access for all community members. Partners include charitable food systems, the education system, town and volunteer groups, and faith communities.
Administers community food access programs in support of regional partners, in order to promote local food production, self-reliance, and equitable food access for all community members. Partners include charitable food systems, the education system, town and volunteer groups, and faith communities.
Gardening/Landscaping Instruction
Nutrition Education
Public Awareness/Education
Organizational Consultation/Technical Assistance
Offers workshops taught by neighbors that focus on gardening, cooking, and food preservation. Collaborates with other organizations, including the Hardwick Area Food Pantry and Hazen Union School students, to offer numerous programs.
Offers workshops taught by neighbors that focus on gardening, cooking, and food preservation. Collaborates with other organizations, including the Hardwick Area Food Pantry and Hazen Union School students, to offer numerous programs.
Gardening/Landscaping Instruction
Cooking Classes
Home Food Preservation Instruction