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Offers adult education and literacy instruction that provide learners with the opportunity to acquire the education and literacy skills they need either to complete a secondary education or to better achieve post-secondary/career goals. Instruction is provided at six learning centers, as well as at job sites, libraries, homes, and other locations. Services include the following: Functional Literacy Education (Reading, Writing, Math), Computer Literacy, Financial Literacy, English Language Learning and Citizenship Preparation, High School Completion Program, General Education Development (GED) Credentialing, and Career and College Readiness. High school completion program is available online.


English as a Second Language
Citizenship Education
Adult High School Diploma Programs
Adult Literacy Programs
High School Equivalency/GED Test Instruction
Adult Basic Education
Computer Literacy Training Programs
Prejob Guidance
High School Equivalency/GED Test Sites
Provides an interactive web page locator that provides contact information for all tech centers and the courses they are offering. Technical Career Centers offer classes and trainings in specific technical occupations, skilled and semiskilled trades for individuals who have graduated from high school or the equivalent. Included are programs that prepare people for careers in areas as diverse as business, cosmetology, computer science, allied health occupations, auto mechanics, building trades, and manufacturing. Centers also offer classes to the public that augment self sufficiency in areas such as home gardening, food preservation, cooking, computer use, chainsaw safety, and more. Access website for appropriate telephone number to each Career/Technical Center.


Occupation Specific Job Training
Commercial Driver Training
First Aid Instruction
Technical/Trade Schools
Professional Continuing Education
Computer Literacy Training Programs
Offers adult education and literacy instruction that provide learners with the opportunity to acquire the education and literacy skills they need either to complete a secondary education or to better achieve post-secondary/career goals. Instruction is provided at six learning centers, as well as at job sites, libraries, homes, and other locations. Services include the following: Functional Literacy Education (Reading, Writing, Math), Computer Literacy, Financial Literacy, English Language Learning and Citizenship Preparation, High School Completion Program, General Education Development (GED) Credentialing, and Career and College Readiness. High school completion program is available online.


English as a Second Language
Citizenship Education
Adult High School Diploma Programs
Adult Literacy Programs
High School Equivalency/GED Test Instruction
Adult Basic Education
Computer Literacy Training Programs
Prejob Guidance
High School Equivalency/GED Test Sites
Offers adult education and literacy instruction that provide learners with the opportunity to acquire the education and literacy skills they need either to complete a secondary education or to better achieve post-secondary/career goals. Instruction is provided at six learning centers, as well as at job sites, libraries, homes, and other locations. Services include the following: Functional Literacy Education (Reading, Writing, Math), Computer Literacy, Financial Literacy, English Language Learning and Citizenship Preparation, High School Completion Program, General Education Development (GED) Credentialing, and Career and College Readiness. High school completion program is available online.


English as a Second Language
Citizenship Education
Adult High School Diploma Programs
Adult Literacy Programs
High School Equivalency/GED Test Instruction
Adult Basic Education
Computer Literacy Training Programs
Prejob Guidance
High School Equivalency/GED Test Sites
Offers adult education and literacy instruction that provide learners with the opportunity to acquire the education and literacy skills they need either to complete a secondary education or to better achieve post-secondary/career goals. Instruction is provided at six learning centers, as well as at job sites, libraries, homes, and other locations. Services include the following: Functional Literacy Education (Reading, Writing, Math), Computer Literacy, Financial Literacy, English Language Learning and Citizenship Preparation, High School Completion Program, General Education Development (GED) Credentialing, and Career and College Readiness. High school completion program is available online.


English as a Second Language
Citizenship Education
Adult High School Diploma Programs
Adult Literacy Programs
High School Equivalency/GED Test Instruction
Adult Basic Education
Computer Literacy Training Programs
Prejob Guidance
High School Equivalency/GED Test Sites
Offers adult education and literacy instruction that provide learners with the opportunity to acquire the education and literacy skills they need either to complete a secondary education or to better achieve post-secondary/career goals. Instruction is provided at six learning centers, as well as at job sites, libraries, homes, and other locations. Services include the following: Functional Literacy Education (Reading, Writing, Math), Computer Literacy, Financial Literacy, English Language Learning and Citizenship Preparation, High School Completion Program, General Education Development (GED) Credentialing, and Career and College Readiness. High school completion program is available online.


English as a Second Language
Citizenship Education
Adult High School Diploma Programs
Adult Literacy Programs
High School Equivalency/GED Test Instruction
Adult Basic Education
Computer Literacy Training Programs
Prejob Guidance
High School Equivalency/GED Test Sites
Offers adult education and literacy instruction that provide learners with the opportunity to acquire the education and literacy skills they need either to complete a secondary education or to better achieve post-secondary/career goals. Instruction is provided at six learning centers, as well as at job sites, libraries, homes, and other locations. Services include the following: Functional Literacy Education (Reading, Writing, Math), Computer Literacy, Financial Literacy, English Language Learning and Citizenship Preparation, High School Completion Program, General Education Development (GED) Credentialing, and Career and College Readiness. High school completion program is available online.


English as a Second Language
Citizenship Education
Adult High School Diploma Programs
Adult Literacy Programs
High School Equivalency/GED Test Instruction
Adult Basic Education
Computer Literacy Training Programs
Prejob Guidance
High School Equivalency/GED Test Sites
Offers adult education and literacy instruction that provide learners with the opportunity to acquire the education and literacy skills they need either to complete a secondary education or to better achieve post-secondary/career goals. Instruction is provided at six learning centers, as well as at job sites, libraries, homes, and other locations. Services include the following: Functional Literacy Education (Reading, Writing, Math), Computer Literacy, Financial Literacy, English Language Learning and Citizenship Preparation, High School Completion Program, General Education Development (GED) Credentialing, and Career and College Readiness. High school completion program is available online.


English as a Second Language
Citizenship Education
Adult High School Diploma Programs
Adult Literacy Programs
High School Equivalency/GED Test Instruction
Adult Basic Education
Computer Literacy Training Programs
Prejob Guidance
High School Equivalency/GED Test Sites