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Provides tarps, tents, sleeping bags/blankets, warm clothing, hand warmers and shelf stable foods. Also offers a space for washing up. Will provide start-up items like small household items, bedding, toiletries, and clothing for those leaving homelessness and setting up a home. Assists with accessing community services and resources including flood recovery.
Provides tarps, tents, sleeping bags/blankets, warm clothing, hand warmers and shelf stable foods. Also offers a space for washing up. Will provide start-up items like small household items, bedding, toiletries, and clothing for those leaving homelessness and setting up a home. Assists with accessing community services and resources including flood recovery.
Camping Gear Donation Programs
Public Showers/Baths
Camping Gear
Disaster Related Clothing/Emergency Supplies
Household Goods
General Clothing Provision
Provides shelter services to persons experiencing homelessness.
Provides shelter services to persons experiencing homelessness.
Temporary Mailing Address
Camping Gear
Wet Shelters
Community Shelters
Provides shelter services to persons experiencing homelessness.
Provides shelter services to persons experiencing homelessness.
Temporary Mailing Address
Camping Gear
Wet Shelters
Community Shelters
Provides tents, blankets, rain ponchos, and other items necessary for living outdoors.
Provides tents, blankets, rain ponchos, and other items necessary for living outdoors.
Provides temporary emergency shelter and supportive services. Drop-In Center open during administrative hours with access to laundry machines, showers, hygiene products, phone/computer and a temperature-controlled environment. Additional shelter services and hours are available depending on extreme weather and staffing. Each room is private. Pets are welcome at the shelter. There is no maximum length of stay for shelter guests. The shelter lobby is also available as a warming center regardless of extreme weather during regular administrative hours.
Provides temporary emergency shelter and supportive services. Drop-In Center open during administrative hours with access to laundry machines, showers, hygiene products, phone/computer and a temperature-controlled environment. Additional shelter services and hours are available depending on extreme weather and staffing. Each room is private. Pets are welcome at the shelter. There is no maximum length of stay for shelter guests. The shelter lobby is also available as a warming center regardless of extreme weather during regular administrative hours.
Public Showers/Baths
Laundry Facilities
Camping Gear
Community Shelters
Extreme Weather Shelters
Provides shelter services to persons experiencing homelessness.
Provides shelter services to persons experiencing homelessness.
Temporary Mailing Address
Camping Gear
Wet Shelters
Community Shelters