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Provides post-permanency services including in-home adjusted parent education, consultation to treatment teams and advocacy, referrals to community resources, general adoption information, and kinship placements support.


Adoption and Foster/Kinship Care Support Groups
Adoption Information/Referrals
Parenting Helplines
Web Directories
Parenting Materials
Provides post-permanency services including in-home adjusted parent education, consultation to treatment teams and advocacy, referrals to community resources, general adoption information, and kinship placements support.


Web Directories
Parenting Materials
Adoption and Foster/Kinship Care Support Groups
Parenting Helplines
Adoption Information/Referrals
Provides post-permanency services including in-home adjusted parent education, consultation to treatment teams and advocacy, referrals to community resources, general adoption information, and kinship placements support.


Parenting Materials
Adoption Information/Referrals
Parenting Helplines
Web Directories
Adoption and Foster/Kinship Care Support Groups
Provides post-permanency services including in-home adjusted parent education, consultation to treatment teams and advocacy, referrals to community resources, general adoption information, and kinship placements support.


Parenting Materials
Adoption Information/Referrals
Parenting Helplines
Web Directories
Adoption and Foster/Kinship Care Support Groups
Provides post-permanency services including in-home adjusted parent education, consultation to treatment teams and advocacy, referrals to community resources, general adoption information, and kinship placements support.


Parenting Materials
Adoption Information/Referrals
Parenting Helplines
Web Directories
Adoption and Foster/Kinship Care Support Groups
Operates a resource contact center that connects children and their families to services they need. HMG Care Coordinators provide education and support to families around developmental or behavioral concerns, help families recognize typical developmental milestones, offer confidential developmental screening, provide referrals to community-based supports, empower families to overcome barriers to services, and follow up with them to make sure linkages are successful. Help Me Grow also provides referrals to health and human services, including therapists. Help Me Grow Vermont provides the four components of the Help Me Grow System Model: -A centralized access point (in partnership with VT 211) that assists families and professionals in connecting children to the full assortment of community resources that help them thrive. -Family and community outreach that builds parent and provider understanding of healthy child development, the supportive services available to families in the community, and how both are important to improving children’s outcomes. -Child Health Care Provider outreach that supports early detection and intervention efforts and connects medical providers to the grid of community resources to best support families. -Establishment of an appropriate resource inventory and data collection and analysis that supports ongoing evaluation, helps identify systemic gaps, bolsters advocacy efforts, and guides quality improvement.


Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders Treatment
Parenting Helplines
Specialized Information and Referral
Parenting Materials
Therapy Referrals
Pediatric Developmental Screening
Provides a telephone information and support line that parents and caregivers can call when they have questions about child development, need advice or support regarding specific parenting challenges, or need information or a referral for parenting resources. Also provides prevention materials and an online resource directory.
Provides post-permanency services including in-home adjusted parent education, consultation to treatment teams and advocacy, referrals to community resources, general adoption information, and kinship placements support.


Parenting Materials
Adoption Information/Referrals
Parenting Helplines
Web Directories
Adoption and Foster/Kinship Care Support Groups
Provides post-permanency services including in-home adjusted parent education, consultation to treatment teams and advocacy, referrals to community resources, general adoption information, and kinship placements support.


Parenting Materials
Adoption Information/Referrals
Parenting Helplines
Web Directories
Adoption and Foster/Kinship Care Support Groups
Provides post-permanency services including in-home adjusted parent education, consultation to treatment teams and advocacy, referrals to community resources, general adoption information, and kinship placements support.


Parenting Materials
Adoption Information/Referrals
Parenting Helplines
Web Directories
Adoption and Foster/Kinship Care Support Groups