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Provides an Easter dinner Sit down, Take out and Delivery meal. Meal and pick up location is at the Elks Lodge on US Route 5 in Derby. Event is being organized by VFW Post and Auxillary#798, Elks and Local Eagles.
Provides an Easter dinner Sit down, Take out and Delivery meal. Meal and pick up location is at the Elks Lodge on US Route 5 in Derby. Event is being organized by VFW Post and Auxillary#798, Elks and Local Eagles.
Provides a holiday meal for Christmas and Easter Sit down dinner, family style and take-out pick up location is the Nolin-Murray-Center, part of St. Mary's church property, 38 Pleasant St, Springfield, VT 05156
Provides a holiday meal for Christmas and Easter Sit down dinner, family style and take-out pick up location is the Nolin-Murray-Center, part of St. Mary's church property, 38 Pleasant St, Springfield, VT 05156
Provides turkey or ham and the fixings for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter. Distributes forms for children's Angel Tree Christmas gift program managed by the Town of Rochester.
Holiday meals can accommodate about 25 people. No one however is turned away.
Provides turkey or ham and the fixings for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter. Distributes forms for children's Angel Tree Christmas gift program managed by the Town of Rochester.
Holiday meals can accommodate about 25 people. No one however is turned away.