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Provides a range of services designed to stabilize children and families and promote children's successful adjustment in the community. Services may include outpatient services, respite care, therapeutic case management, school-based services and support, crisis residential services, child psychiatry, specialized foster care, and consultation. Access Vermont program provides services geared to family stabilization as an alternative for children and families facing placement outside the home.
Provides a range of services designed to stabilize children and families and promote children's successful adjustment in the community. Services may include outpatient services, respite care, therapeutic case management, school-based services and support, crisis residential services, child psychiatry, specialized foster care, and consultation. Access Vermont program provides services geared to family stabilization as an alternative for children and families facing placement outside the home.
Wraparound Facilitation/Community Support
Family Counseling
Family Preservation Programs
Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health
Individual Counseling
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Provides intensive wraparound services based on the distinctive needs, strengths, values and preferences of the child and family. Services include clinical case management; comprehensive multidisciplinary assessment; psychiatric consultation and medication management; individual, group and family therapy; substance abuse services; respite, education, community skills training; family reintegration; parent education; 24-hour crisis response; and other individualized services as needed. Participating children generally have a history of severe emotional and behavioral problems and have had difficulty being successful at home, in school, and in the community. Children referred to the program typically live at home or in therapeutic foster homes. Services are delivered in collaboration with the community mental health center, community members and other service providers.
Provides intensive wraparound services based on the distinctive needs, strengths, values and preferences of the child and family. Services include clinical case management; comprehensive multidisciplinary assessment; psychiatric consultation and medication management; individual, group and family therapy; substance abuse services; respite, education, community skills training; family reintegration; parent education; 24-hour crisis response; and other individualized services as needed. Participating children generally have a history of severe emotional and behavioral problems and have had difficulty being successful at home, in school, and in the community. Children referred to the program typically live at home or in therapeutic foster homes. Services are delivered in collaboration with the community mental health center, community members and other service providers.
Wraparound Facilitation/Community Support
Provides a range of services designed to stabilize children and families and promote children's successful adjustment in the community. Services may include outpatient services, respite care, therapeutic case management, school-based services and support, crisis residential services, child psychiatry, specialized foster care, and consultation. Walk-in mental health clinic services are provided for individuals seeking extra support while waiting for scheduled appointments and for individuals seeking support who have not previously applied for mental health services. Telemental Health also available.
Provides a range of services designed to stabilize children and families and promote children's successful adjustment in the community. Services may include outpatient services, respite care, therapeutic case management, school-based services and support, crisis residential services, child psychiatry, specialized foster care, and consultation. Walk-in mental health clinic services are provided for individuals seeking extra support while waiting for scheduled appointments and for individuals seeking support who have not previously applied for mental health services. Telemental Health also available.
School Based Integrated Services
Family Counseling
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Telemental Health
Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Wraparound Facilitation/Community Support
Family Preservation Programs
Provides a range of services designed to stabilize children and families and promote children's successful adjustment in the community. Services may include outpatient services, respite care, therapeutic case management, school-based services and support, crisis residential services, child psychiatry, specialized foster care, and consultation.
Provides a range of services designed to stabilize children and families and promote children's successful adjustment in the community. Services may include outpatient services, respite care, therapeutic case management, school-based services and support, crisis residential services, child psychiatry, specialized foster care, and consultation.
Family Counseling
Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health
Wraparound Facilitation/Community Support
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
School Based Integrated Services
Provides a range of services designed to stabilize children and families and promote children's successful adjustment in the community. Services may include outpatient services, respite care, therapeutic case management, school-based services and support, crisis residential services, child psychiatry, specialized foster care, and consultation.
Provides a range of services designed to stabilize children and families and promote children's successful adjustment in the community. Services may include outpatient services, respite care, therapeutic case management, school-based services and support, crisis residential services, child psychiatry, specialized foster care, and consultation.
Wraparound Facilitation/Community Support
School Based Integrated Services
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Family Preservation Programs
Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health
Family Counseling
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Provides a range of services designed to stabilize children and families and promote children's successful adjustment in the community. Services may include outpatient services, respite care, therapeutic case management, school-based services and support, crisis residential services, child psychiatry, specialized foster care, and consultation. Also includes a text line for individuals who prefer not to call. Also provides Vermont Outdoor Adventure Program. Payment arrangements for services can be set up on an individual basis.
Provides a range of services designed to stabilize children and families and promote children's successful adjustment in the community. Services may include outpatient services, respite care, therapeutic case management, school-based services and support, crisis residential services, child psychiatry, specialized foster care, and consultation. Also includes a text line for individuals who prefer not to call. Also provides Vermont Outdoor Adventure Program. Payment arrangements for services can be set up on an individual basis.
Mental Health Evaluation
School Based Integrated Services
Wraparound Facilitation/Community Support
Family Preservation Programs
Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Provides a Wraparound facilitation, a family-centered, community-oriented, strengths-based and highly individualized approach to meet the needs of children with complicated, multi-dimensional problems. The approach involves the development of a child and family team which creates and implements a wraparound plan that identifies a set of community services and natural supports to promote success, safety, and permanence in home, school and community. The Wraparound facilitator coordinates team meetings and ensures the team identifies and prioritizes goals, provides crisis and safety planning, and tracks the family's progress towards goal attainment. The family is prepared and supported as they transition from formal services to independence.
Provides a Wraparound facilitation, a family-centered, community-oriented, strengths-based and highly individualized approach to meet the needs of children with complicated, multi-dimensional problems. The approach involves the development of a child and family team which creates and implements a wraparound plan that identifies a set of community services and natural supports to promote success, safety, and permanence in home, school and community. The Wraparound facilitator coordinates team meetings and ensures the team identifies and prioritizes goals, provides crisis and safety planning, and tracks the family's progress towards goal attainment. The family is prepared and supported as they transition from formal services to independence.
Wraparound Facilitation/Community Support
Provides a range of services designed to stabilize children and families and promote children's successful adjustment in the community. Services may include outpatient services, respite care, therapeutic case management, school-based services and support, crisis residential services, child psychiatry, specialized foster care, and consultation. Access Vermont program provides services geared to family stabilization as an alternative for children and families facing placement outside the home.
Provides a range of services designed to stabilize children and families and promote children's successful adjustment in the community. Services may include outpatient services, respite care, therapeutic case management, school-based services and support, crisis residential services, child psychiatry, specialized foster care, and consultation. Access Vermont program provides services geared to family stabilization as an alternative for children and families facing placement outside the home.
Wraparound Facilitation/Community Support
Family Counseling
Family Preservation Programs
Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health
Individual Counseling
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Provides a range of services designed to stabilize children and families and promote children's successful adjustment in the community. Services may include individualized child and family assessments to determine needs and best service match. Services may be available in the office, at home, in schools, or in the community. Offers crisis response according to the needs of the child and family.
Provides a range of services designed to stabilize children and families and promote children's successful adjustment in the community. Services may include individualized child and family assessments to determine needs and best service match. Services may be available in the office, at home, in schools, or in the community. Offers crisis response according to the needs of the child and family.
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
School Based Integrated Services
Wraparound Facilitation/Community Support
Family Counseling
Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health
Family Preservation Programs
Provides a range of services designed to stabilize children and families and promote children's successful adjustment in the community. Services may include outpatient services, respite care, therapeutic case management, school-based services and support, crisis residential services, child psychiatry, specialized foster care, and consultation.
Provides a range of services designed to stabilize children and families and promote children's successful adjustment in the community. Services may include outpatient services, respite care, therapeutic case management, school-based services and support, crisis residential services, child psychiatry, specialized foster care, and consultation.
Wraparound Facilitation/Community Support
Family Counseling
Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health
School Based Integrated Services
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Provides intensive wraparound services based on the distinctive needs, strengths, values and preferences of the child and family. Services include clinical case management; comprehensive multidisciplinary assessment; psychiatric consultation and medication management; individual, group and family therapy; substance abuse services; respite, education, community skills training; family reintegration; parent education; 24-hour crisis response; and other individualized services as needed. Participating children generally have a history of severe emotional and behavioral problems and have had difficulty being successful at home, in school, and in the community. Children referred to the program typically live at home or in therapeutic foster homes. Services are delivered in collaboration with the community mental health center, community members and other service providers.
Provides intensive wraparound services based on the distinctive needs, strengths, values and preferences of the child and family. Services include clinical case management; comprehensive multidisciplinary assessment; psychiatric consultation and medication management; individual, group and family therapy; substance abuse services; respite, education, community skills training; family reintegration; parent education; 24-hour crisis response; and other individualized services as needed. Participating children generally have a history of severe emotional and behavioral problems and have had difficulty being successful at home, in school, and in the community. Children referred to the program typically live at home or in therapeutic foster homes. Services are delivered in collaboration with the community mental health center, community members and other service providers.
Wraparound Facilitation/Community Support
Provides a range of services designed to stabilize children and families and promote children's successful adjustment in the community. Services may include outpatient services, respite care, therapeutic case management, school-based services and support, crisis residential services, child psychiatry, specialized foster care, and consultation. Walk-in mental health clinic services are provided for individuals seeking extra support while waiting for scheduled appointments and for individuals seeking support who have not previously applied for mental health services. Telemental Health also available.
Provides a range of services designed to stabilize children and families and promote children's successful adjustment in the community. Services may include outpatient services, respite care, therapeutic case management, school-based services and support, crisis residential services, child psychiatry, specialized foster care, and consultation. Walk-in mental health clinic services are provided for individuals seeking extra support while waiting for scheduled appointments and for individuals seeking support who have not previously applied for mental health services. Telemental Health also available.
School Based Integrated Services
Family Counseling
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Telemental Health
Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Wraparound Facilitation/Community Support
Family Preservation Programs
Provides services that fall under two main umbrellas with support from the prenatal period through high school graduation, with the goal of facilitating success and well-being across a lifetime. The first set of services are part of the Parent Child Center that provides expertise on prevention and early intervention services such as parenting, early childhood development, education, referral, and related services to prospective parents and families with young children, including those whose children are medically, socially, or educationally at risk. These programs serve children in the prenatal stage to age 6. School Based Services range from preventive models supporting school-wide systems, to providing lower-intensity clinical care, to small group or one on one behavior support, to an alternative educational environment at the Soar Learning Center.
Provides services that fall under two main umbrellas with support from the prenatal period through high school graduation, with the goal of facilitating success and well-being across a lifetime. The first set of services are part of the Parent Child Center that provides expertise on prevention and early intervention services such as parenting, early childhood development, education, referral, and related services to prospective parents and families with young children, including those whose children are medically, socially, or educationally at risk. These programs serve children in the prenatal stage to age 6. School Based Services range from preventive models supporting school-wide systems, to providing lower-intensity clinical care, to small group or one on one behavior support, to an alternative educational environment at the Soar Learning Center.
Family Preservation Programs
School Based Integrated Services
Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health
Wraparound Facilitation/Community Support
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Family Counseling
Provides a range of services designed to stabilize children and families and promote children's successful adjustment in the community. Services may include outpatient services, respite care, therapeutic case management, school-based services and support, crisis residential services, child psychiatry, specialized foster care, and consultation.
Provides a range of services designed to stabilize children and families and promote children's successful adjustment in the community. Services may include outpatient services, respite care, therapeutic case management, school-based services and support, crisis residential services, child psychiatry, specialized foster care, and consultation.
Wraparound Facilitation/Community Support
School Based Integrated Services
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Family Preservation Programs
Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health
Family Counseling
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Provides a range of services designed to stabilize children and families and promote children's successful adjustment in the community. Services may include outpatient services, respite care, therapeutic case management, school-based services and support, crisis residential services, child psychiatry, and consultation.
Provides a range of services designed to stabilize children and families and promote children's successful adjustment in the community. Services may include outpatient services, respite care, therapeutic case management, school-based services and support, crisis residential services, child psychiatry, and consultation.
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
School Based Integrated Services
Family Counseling
Family Preservation Programs
Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health
Wraparound Facilitation/Community Support
Provides a range of services designed to stabilize children and families and promote children's successful adjustment in the community. Services may include outpatient services, respite care, therapeutic case management, school-based services and support, crisis residential services, child psychiatry, and consultation.
Provides a range of services designed to stabilize children and families and promote children's successful adjustment in the community. Services may include outpatient services, respite care, therapeutic case management, school-based services and support, crisis residential services, child psychiatry, and consultation.
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
School Based Integrated Services
Family Counseling
Family Preservation Programs
Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health
Wraparound Facilitation/Community Support
Provides a range of services designed to stabilize children and families and promote children's successful adjustment in the community. Services may include outpatient services, respite care, therapeutic case management, school-based services and support, crisis residential services, child psychiatry, specialized foster care, and consultation. Access Vermont program provides services geared to family stabilization as an alternative for children and families facing placement outside the home.
Provides a range of services designed to stabilize children and families and promote children's successful adjustment in the community. Services may include outpatient services, respite care, therapeutic case management, school-based services and support, crisis residential services, child psychiatry, specialized foster care, and consultation. Access Vermont program provides services geared to family stabilization as an alternative for children and families facing placement outside the home.
Wraparound Facilitation/Community Support
Family Counseling
Family Preservation Programs
Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health
Individual Counseling
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Adolescent/Youth Counseling