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Provides placement in barns and other outbuildings of cats who are not able to live as house pets and have nowhere else to go. All cats are spayed or neutered, microchipped, and vaccinated prior to adoption. Also provides Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) services, which is a non-lethal, three-step method used to reduce the number of feral and stray cats, both immediately and in the long term. Trap: Feral or stray cats are trapped using a safe, humane live trap; Neuter: Trapped cats are spayed/neutered and vaccinated by a veterinarian; Return: Spayed/neutered cats are returned to their home location. Outbuildings that are acceptable are those where cats will be safe from vehicles and other common dangers. Building owners agree to provide shelter, daily food and water, long-term veterinary care as needed, and to initially keep cats in a secure place for the first two-three weeks. TNR: Provided on a case-by-case basis based on location, size of colony, staff availability, and ability of landowner to assist.
Works to reduce the over-population of unwanted cats by stabilizing barn cat colonies and reducing the number of free-roaming cats through Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR). Organizes humane trapping of unowned and loosely owned cats from farms, outbuildings, and the streets; provides spay/neuter services, vaccinations, and needed medical care; and returns them to their original environment or partners with other agencies that place adoptable animals in appropriate homes. Also provides periodic spay/neuter clinics.


Animal Services Volunteer Opportunities
Neuter/Spay Services
Feral Cat Management Programs
Animal Food/Supplies Donation Programs
Aids farmers and others who willingly house unowned cats in barns and other outbuildings, by trapping, vaccinating, spaying or neutering, and treating (if necessary), and then returning cat(s) back to their colony (group) in the wild or barn. Also offers a Working Cat program for cats who aren’t socialized enough or have other limitations for home adoption, to be placed for free in commercial or outbuilding environments where rodents are a problem. These cats are spayed/neutered and have at least rabies and distemper vaccinations. This non-traditional approach allows these cats to receive shelter, access to food and water, and the care they need while offering the service of expert rodent control to their adopters.
Provides placement in barns of cats who are not able to live as house pets. All cats are spayed or neutered, dewormed, vaccinated, on a flea/tick preventive, and ear-tipped/microchipped prior to adoption. Also provides Trap-Neuter-Return program with spay/neuter and vaccination services by donation for community cats being cared for by volunteer caretakers. Barn owners agree to provide shelter, daily food and water, long-term veterinary care as needed, and to initially securely confine cat/s to one building or large crate for the first three-four weeks. The Humane Society often recommends placing barn cats as pairs when they are feral or semi-feral, and may require this with certain cats as these cats tend to be more successful in pairs.
Provides temporary homes, food, medical, and behavioral care for stray or surrendered animals. Provides adoption services, pet food pantry, low-cost spay/neuter clinics, volunteer, and educational opportunities. Assists low-income owners with vet bills via a no-interest loan program. Also provides a Trap, Neuter, Release program (TNR) that aids farmers and others who willingly care for unowned cats in barns and other outbuildings, by trapping, vaccinating, spaying or neutering, and treating (if necessary), and then returning cat(s) back to their colony (group) in the wild or barn.


Animal Services Volunteer Opportunities
Veterinary Care Expense Assistance
Animal Shelters
Animal Food/Supplies Donation Programs
Feral Cat Management Programs
Neuter/Spay Services
Animal Adoption
Provides placement in barns of cats who are not able to live as house pets. All cats are spayed or neutered, dewormed, vaccinated, on a flea/tick preventive, and ear-tipped/microchipped prior to adoption. Barn owners agree to provide shelter, daily food and water, long-term veterinary care as needed, and to initially securely confine cat/s to one building or large crate for the first three-four weeks. The Humane Society often recommends placing barn cats as pairs when they are feral or semi-feral, and may require this with certain cats as these cats tend to be more successful in pairs.
Provides spay/neuter and vaccination services free of charge for community cats being cared for by volunteer caretakers. Also offfers humane traps for rent.
Provides low-cost spay and neuter services for dogs and cats (Spay/Neuter Assistance Program or SNAP). Also offers Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) services, working with individuals or groups of community members who care for community cat colonies. Second Chance will provide traps for individual/group to trap and transport cats to the shelter where they will be spayed/neutered, vaccinated, and ear-tipped before being picked up and released back to their home territory.
Provides shelter; medical treatment; and other basic care for stray and surrendered animals, including dogs, cats, and other small pets. Facilitates adoption of shelter animals, matching pets with the most appropriate households. Helps reduce feline overpopulation through a trap/neuter/return program for free-roaming (feral) cats. Provides a Foster Care Program that includes food and supplies for foster care volunteers caring for pregnant cats and dogs, animals recovering from minor surgery, and animals in extreme stress in the shelter environment. Provides a wide array of donation and volunteer opportunities.


Animal Food/Supplies Donation Programs
Animal Shelters
Animal Adoption
Feral Cat Management Programs
Animal Services Volunteer Opportunities