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Helps students develop the essential skills to become proficient in reading, writing, comprehension, and math. Working individually with each learner, the teachers build the habits of success and foster a love of learning. Areas of instruction include reading and spelling, math operations and problem solving, writing mechanics, grammar and composition, executive function, and organizational and study skills. Also provides intensive academic interventions for students struggling with a wide range of learning differences, including dyslexia, ADHD, and dyscalculia. Tutoring services are offered in-person and online. Most students attend for only part of the day, after regular school hours, or may attend for a limited time according to individual needs. Some students participate full time in a comprehensive program, or may receive instruction and support at their local schools.


Remedial Education
Adult Literacy Programs
Subject Tutoring
Early Intervention for Children With Disabilities/Delays
Coordinates statewide early childhood special education services that are designed to evaluate and provide intervention to children with special needs within local communities. Services include developmental screenings, comprehensive evaluations, and specialized instruction. Comprehensive evaluations are available when there is a concern about developmental delay or special need. For specialized instruction children must meet program guidelines for developmental delay or risk factor.