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Offers financial support to people with Parkinson disease and their families. Approved applicants may be granted up to $500 once per calendar year, which may be used for programs, services, and/or activities, such as exercise/wellness, medication, respite, assistance at home, transportation, and adaptive equipment. Awards are made on a first-come basis and are subject to the approval of an application and the availability of funds. Intended to support persons with Parkinson’s disease who are experiencing financial hardship and is not intended as an ongoing support fund. Payment may take at least 30 days to process after the application is approved.


Prescription Expense Assistance
Housekeeping Assistance
Family Caregiver Subsidies
Assistive Technology Expense Assistance
Provides monetary grants of up to $5,000 (with a lifetime maximum of $10,000 per child) toward a family's share of the cost of medical services when gaps in a family's commercial health benefit plan mean that a child may go without necessary treatment, or when the child receives care and the family assumes a large amount of debt. Covered services include deductibles, co-insurance, co-pays, and services not covered by insurance. A list of services not covered by this program is available on the website Foundation Representative will return calls within five business days.


Medical Care Expense Assistance
Assistive Technology Expense Assistance
Provides funding for services and equipment to help individuals achieve or maintain independence in their homes. This is not an emergency fund. Case-by-case review is required to make a determination.
Provides grants for the purchase of hearing aids and hiring of auditory trainers.


Assistive Technology Expense Assistance
Hearing Aids