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Provides one-time professional legal advice about rights and responsibilities and provides advice on options for dealing with legal issues. Also provides information about how the legal system works. Participants are offered a session by appointment at the monthly community legal clinic. Also provides a separate legal clinic specifically for seniors where non-criminal counsel in the area of family, probate, health, and financial law, as well as elder abuse is offered.


Community Legal Clinics
Eviction Prevention Assistance
Provides a list of deadlines, benefits, resources, and common legal problems that can come up after a flooding disaster. Also includes dates and times for free flood legal assistance clinics.
Provides a free community legal clinic eight times a year staffed by volunteer Vermont attorneys. Staff cannont guarantee an appointment per caller. Callers will be asked to provide name, phone number, email, and category of legal concern. Call to leave a message.
Hosts two different types of legal clinics. Family Law Clinics connect volunteer lawyers with pre-screened clients for limited counsel and advice on family law related matters. Rent Escrow Clinics offer limited representation to clients facing eviction. Check website for upcoming clinic dates, times, and locations.