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Offers a variety of programs and services that support families who have children with special health needs and disabilities. Programs and services include one-to-one matches, support, referrals, sibling support groups, workshops, assistance with accessing health care, information about flexible funding, leadership training for parents and guardians, bullying prevention, family faculty training, and navigating health and disability systems.


Parent Support Groups
Special Education Advocacy
Peer to Peer Networking
Specialized Information and Referral
Respite Care Subsidies
Provides technical assistance to schools and other organizations to help ensure that schools understand and comply with federal and state laws and regulations related to providing special education services. Consultants also work with parents to offer a due process procedure if they have concerns about the services offered to their children. Online Parental Resources available, including Autism Spectrum Disorders Fact Sheets, Procedure for Complaints Information, and Mediation Information and Services
Provides one-on-one help and support by telephone or in person to families regarding their child's education, development, special health care needs, and transition from school to adult life. Support may include helping parents prepare for school and other meetings about their child. On a limited basis, consultants can attend Individualized Education Program (IEP), 504 and other meetings with families. Family consultants also provide information about community resources that are available to help parents and children. Also offers parent, represenative support at Act 264 or Coordinated Services Plan meetings.


Special Education Advocacy
Individual Advocacy
Specialized Information and Referral
Transition Services for Students With Disabilities