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Provides information, referral, and individual advocacy services, including legal representation when appropriate. Focus is on preventing or redressing abuse, neglect, and serious rights violations in a wide range of areas, including education, the criminal justice system, health care, mental health care, employment, housing, and transportation. Also works to increase access to assistive technology for people with disabilities. Individuals calling with complaints go through an intake process to determine eligibility and whether the complaint falls with Disability Rights Vermont's priority areas. People not eligible for services can receive information, technical assistance, and referral to other advocacy and legal services.
Provides information, referral, and individual advocacy services, including legal representation when appropriate. Focus is on preventing or redressing abuse, neglect, and serious rights violations in a wide range of areas, including education, the criminal justice system, health care, mental health care, employment, housing, and transportation. Also works to increase access to assistive technology for people with disabilities. Individuals calling with complaints go through an intake process to determine eligibility and whether the complaint falls with Disability Rights Vermont's priority areas. People not eligible for services can receive information, technical assistance, and referral to other advocacy and legal services.
Protection and Advocacy for Individuals With Disabilities
Legal Counseling