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Answers questions about federal agencies and provides help with resolving a problem with such agencies, including the Social Security Administration, the Immigration and Naturalization Service, Internal Revenue Offers help resolving problems with Social Security, Immigration, IRS, and other federal agencies. Assists with service academy nominations. Provides help with federal grant searches, US flags, and visits to the Capitol and White House. Visits to the Capitol and White House must be scheduled and require lead time. Senator Welch is unable to help with problems involving state or judicial agencies.


Pension Benefits Assistance
Immigrant Benefits Assistance
Individual Advocacy
Welfare Rights Assistance
United States Senate Offices
Provides pension assistance by resolving problems with benefit denials and miscalculations, locating retirement benefits from former employers, and obtaining and explaining complex retirement plan documents. Also provides fact sheets on pension and retirement issues as well as investor education. Leave a message when calling. May take up to a week to respond to a request. Online forms are available on website. Offers assistance on government-sponsored retirement plans and any kind of private retirement plan, including Traditional “defined benefit” pension plans; Cash balance and other “hybrid” pension plans; 401(k), 403(b), and 457 “defined contribution” plans; and Money purchase and other profit-sharing plans.
Answers questions about federal agencies and provides help with resolving a problem with such agencies, including the Social Security Administration, the Immigration and Naturalization Service, Internal Revenue Offers help resolving problems with Social Security, Immigration, IRS, and other federal agencies. Assists with service academy nominations. Provides help with federal grant searches, US flags, and visits to the Capitol and White House. Visits to the Capitol and White House must be scheduled and require lead time. Senator Welch is unable to help with problems involving state or judicial agencies.


Pension Benefits Assistance
Immigrant Benefits Assistance
Individual Advocacy
Welfare Rights Assistance
United States Senate Offices