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Informs and assists Vermont employees, employers, and members of the public regarding the laws related to, and best practices for, preventing sexual harassment and workplace discrimination. Workplaces For All is a project of the State of Vermont Sexual Harassment and Workplace Discrimination Education and Outreach Campaign. The campaign is a result of Act 183.


Sexual Harassment Prevention
Employment Discrimination Assistance
Provides educational presentations on domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, human trafficking, sexual harassment, and related topics to schools, churches, businesses, medical staff, law enforcement, and community organizations. Presentations can be tailored to meet specific organization needs.


Dating Violence Prevention
Adult Sexual Assault Prevention
Human Trafficking Prevention
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Prevention
Sexual Harassment Prevention
Provides presentations to schools, churches, businesses, medical staff, law enforcement, and comminty orgainzations. Topics include sexual assault, dating violence, sexual harrassment, and human trafficking.


Sexual Harassment Prevention
Adult Sexual Assault Prevention
Human Trafficking Prevention
Dating Violence Prevention
Bullying Prevention
Provides presentations to high schools. Topics include sexual assault, dating violence, sexual harassment, and human trafficking.


Dating Violence Prevention
Sexual Harassment Prevention
Adult Sexual Assault Prevention
Bullying Prevention
Human Trafficking Prevention