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Provides educational presentations on domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, human trafficking, sexual harassment, and related topics to schools, churches, businesses, medical staff, law enforcement, and community organizations. Presentations can be tailored to meet specific organization needs.


Dating Violence Prevention
Bullying Prevention
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Prevention
Human Trafficking Prevention
Adult Sexual Assault Prevention
Provides educational presentations on domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, human trafficking, sexual harassment, and related topics to schools, churches, businesses, medical staff, law enforcement, and community organizations. Presentations can be tailored to meet specific organization needs.


Human Trafficking Prevention
Dating Violence Prevention
Adult Sexual Assault Prevention
Bullying Prevention
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Prevention
Provides an interactive training designed to help adults protect children from child trafficking situations. The training helps adults recognize the signs of child trafficking, understand risks and protective factors and create safe environments.
Provides educational presentations on domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, human trafficking, sexual harassment, and related topics to schools, churches, businesses, medical staff, law enforcement, and community organizations. Presentations can be tailored to meet specific organization needs.


Adult Sexual Assault Prevention
Dating Violence Prevention
Human Trafficking Prevention
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Prevention
Bullying Prevention
Provides educational presentations on domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, human trafficking, sexual harassment, and related topics to schools, churches, businesses, medical staff, law enforcement, and community organizations. Presentations can be tailored to meet specific organization needs.


Dating Violence Prevention
Adult Sexual Assault Prevention
Human Trafficking Prevention
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Prevention
Sexual Harassment Prevention
Provides educational presentations on domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, sexual harassment, human trafficking, and related topics to schools, churches, businesses, medical staff, law enforcement, and community organizations. Presentations can be tailored to meet specific organization needs.


Human Trafficking Prevention
Adult Sexual Assault Prevention
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Prevention
Bullying Prevention
Dating Violence Prevention
Provides educational presentations on domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, human trafficking, sexual harassment, and related topics to schools, churches, businesses, medical staff, law enforcement, and community organizations. Presentations can be tailored to meet specific organization needs.


Adult Sexual Assault Prevention
Human Trafficking Prevention
Bullying Prevention
Dating Violence Prevention
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Prevention
Provides educational presentations on domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, human trafficking, sexual harassment, and related topics to schools, churches, businesses, medical staff, law enforcement, and community organizations. Presentations can be tailored to meet specific organization needs.


Bullying Prevention
Dating Violence Prevention
Adult Sexual Assault Prevention
Human Trafficking Prevention
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Prevention
Provides presentations to schools, churches, businesses, medical staff, law enforcement, and comminty orgainzations. Topics include sexual assault, dating violence, sexual harrassment, and human trafficking.


Sexual Harassment Prevention
Adult Sexual Assault Prevention
Human Trafficking Prevention
Dating Violence Prevention
Bullying Prevention
Provides educational presentations on domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, sexual harassment, human trafficking, and related topics to schools, churches, businesses, medical staff, law enforcement, and community organizations. Presentations can be tailored to meet specific organization needs.


Human Trafficking Prevention
Adult Sexual Assault Prevention
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Prevention
Bullying Prevention
Dating Violence Prevention
Provides educational presentations on domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, human trafficking, sexual harassment, and related topics to schools, churches, businesses, medical staff, law enforcement, and community organizations. Presentations can be tailored to meet specific organization needs.


Dating Violence Prevention
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Prevention
Human Trafficking Prevention
Bullying Prevention
Adult Sexual Assault Prevention
Provides a safe, confidential space for the public to call to report instances in which an individual or group of individuals is involved in human trafficking or potential human trafficking and exploitation. Also provides human trafficking information should anyone feel they have come into contact with a potential victim of sex or labor trafficking. The Vermont Rapid Response Team is a collective of local, state and federal agencies, nonprofits, law enforcement agencies, interested citizens, and programs who are seeking to provide comprehensive services and who have established a rapid response support system to victims of human trafficking.


Human Trafficking Reporting
Human Trafficking Hotlines
Human Trafficking Prevention
Provides educational presentations on domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, sexual harassment, human trafficking, stalking and related topics to schools, communities of faith, businesses, medical staff, law enforcement, and community organizations. Presentations can be tailored to meet specific organization needs.


Adult Sexual Assault Prevention
Dating Violence Prevention
Bullying Prevention
Human Trafficking Prevention
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Prevention
Provides educational presentations on domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, human trafficking, sexual harassment, and related topics to schools, churches, businesses, medical staff, law enforcement, and community organizations. Presentations can be tailored to meet specific organization needs.


Dating Violence Prevention
Bullying Prevention
Human Trafficking Prevention
Adult Sexual Assault Prevention
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Prevention
Provides presentations to high schools. Topics include sexual assault, dating violence, sexual harassment, and human trafficking.


Dating Violence Prevention
Sexual Harassment Prevention
Adult Sexual Assault Prevention
Bullying Prevention
Human Trafficking Prevention