1-17 of 17
Provides educational presentations on domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, sexual harassment, and related topics to schools, churches, businesses, medical staff, law enforcement, and community organizations. Presentations can be tailored to meet specific organization needs.
Provides educational presentations on domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, sexual harassment, and related topics to schools, churches, businesses, medical staff, law enforcement, and community organizations. Presentations can be tailored to meet specific organization needs.
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Prevention
Bullying Prevention
Adult Sexual Assault Prevention
Dating Violence Prevention
Provides educational presentations on domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, human trafficking, sexual harassment, and related topics to schools, churches, businesses, medical staff, law enforcement, and community organizations. Presentations can be tailored to meet specific organization needs.
Provides educational presentations on domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, human trafficking, sexual harassment, and related topics to schools, churches, businesses, medical staff, law enforcement, and community organizations. Presentations can be tailored to meet specific organization needs.
Bullying Prevention
Dating Violence Prevention
Adult Sexual Assault Prevention
Human Trafficking Prevention
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Prevention
Provides workshops led by puppets and puppeteers that teach children how to keep themselves safe and healthy and to appreciate each other’s differences. Skits and workshops focus on effective leadership, problem-solving skills and demonstrate respect, compassion and inclusion in a diverse community.
Provides workshops led by puppets and puppeteers that teach children how to keep themselves safe and healthy and to appreciate each other’s differences. Skits and workshops focus on effective leadership, problem-solving skills and demonstrate respect, compassion and inclusion in a diverse community.
Tobacco Use Education/Prevention
Alcohol Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Drug Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Bullying Prevention
Multicultural Education
Conflict Resolution Training
Provides educational presentations on domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, sexual harassment, human trafficking, stalking and related topics to schools, communities of faith, businesses, medical staff, law enforcement, and community organizations. Presentations can be tailored to meet specific organization needs.
Provides educational presentations on domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, sexual harassment, human trafficking, stalking and related topics to schools, communities of faith, businesses, medical staff, law enforcement, and community organizations. Presentations can be tailored to meet specific organization needs.
Adult Sexual Assault Prevention
Dating Violence Prevention
Bullying Prevention
Human Trafficking Prevention
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Prevention
Provides bullying/harassment prevention information and support, connects individuals with bullying prevention resources on bullying laws and school policies, and makes referrals to additional agencies for services.
Provides bullying/harassment prevention information and support, connects individuals with bullying prevention resources on bullying laws and school policies, and makes referrals to additional agencies for services.
Provides educational presentations on domestic violence, healthy relationships, dating violence, sexual harassment, and related topics to schools, churches, businesses, medical staff, law enforcement, and community organizations. Presentations can be tailored to meet specific organization needs.
Provides educational presentations on domestic violence, healthy relationships, dating violence, sexual harassment, and related topics to schools, churches, businesses, medical staff, law enforcement, and community organizations. Presentations can be tailored to meet specific organization needs.
Adult Sexual Assault Prevention
Bullying Prevention
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Prevention
Dating Violence Prevention
Provides presentations to high schools. Topics include sexual assault, dating violence, sexual harassment, and human trafficking.
Provides presentations to high schools. Topics include sexual assault, dating violence, sexual harassment, and human trafficking.
Dating Violence Prevention
Sexual Harassment Prevention
Adult Sexual Assault Prevention
Bullying Prevention
Human Trafficking Prevention
Provides educational presentations on domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, human trafficking, sexual harassment, and related topics to schools, churches, businesses, medical staff, law enforcement, and community organizations. Presentations can be tailored to meet specific organization needs.
Provides educational presentations on domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, human trafficking, sexual harassment, and related topics to schools, churches, businesses, medical staff, law enforcement, and community organizations. Presentations can be tailored to meet specific organization needs.
Adult Sexual Assault Prevention
Human Trafficking Prevention
Bullying Prevention
Dating Violence Prevention
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Prevention
Provides educational presentations on domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, human trafficking, sexual harassment, and related topics to schools, churches, businesses, medical staff, law enforcement, and community organizations. Presentations can be tailored to meet specific organization needs.
Provides educational presentations on domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, human trafficking, sexual harassment, and related topics to schools, churches, businesses, medical staff, law enforcement, and community organizations. Presentations can be tailored to meet specific organization needs.
Dating Violence Prevention
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Prevention
Human Trafficking Prevention
Bullying Prevention
Adult Sexual Assault Prevention
Provides educational presentations on domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, sexual harassment, human trafficking, and related topics to schools, churches, businesses, medical staff, law enforcement, and community organizations. Presentations can be tailored to meet specific organization needs.
Provides educational presentations on domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, sexual harassment, human trafficking, and related topics to schools, churches, businesses, medical staff, law enforcement, and community organizations. Presentations can be tailored to meet specific organization needs.
Human Trafficking Prevention
Adult Sexual Assault Prevention
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Prevention
Bullying Prevention
Dating Violence Prevention
Provides educational presentations on domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, human trafficking, sexual harassment, and related topics to schools, churches, businesses, medical staff, law enforcement, and community organizations. Presentations can be tailored to meet specific organization needs.
Provides educational presentations on domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, human trafficking, sexual harassment, and related topics to schools, churches, businesses, medical staff, law enforcement, and community organizations. Presentations can be tailored to meet specific organization needs.
Dating Violence Prevention
Bullying Prevention
Human Trafficking Prevention
Adult Sexual Assault Prevention
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Prevention
Offers a variety of educational presentations and professional development workshops around LGBTQ+ affirming practices to middle school, high school, and college staff and students, as well as to service providers. In addition, offers online education modules, included in trainings and available for individuals. Provides support for Gender and Sexuality Alliance groups, facilitates Vermont's Gender and Sexuality Alliance Network, and hosts an annual statewide Queer and Allied Youth Summit. Workshops can be tailored for any audience.
Offers a variety of educational presentations and professional development workshops around LGBTQ+ affirming practices to middle school, high school, and college staff and students, as well as to service providers. In addition, offers online education modules, included in trainings and available for individuals. Provides support for Gender and Sexuality Alliance groups, facilitates Vermont's Gender and Sexuality Alliance Network, and hosts an annual statewide Queer and Allied Youth Summit. Workshops can be tailored for any audience.
Public Awareness/Education
LGBTQ2+ Advocacy Groups
Bullying Prevention
Provides presentations to schools, churches, businesses, medical staff, law enforcement, and comminty orgainzations. Topics include sexual assault, dating violence, sexual harrassment, and human trafficking.
Provides presentations to schools, churches, businesses, medical staff, law enforcement, and comminty orgainzations. Topics include sexual assault, dating violence, sexual harrassment, and human trafficking.
Sexual Harassment Prevention
Adult Sexual Assault Prevention
Human Trafficking Prevention
Dating Violence Prevention
Bullying Prevention
Provides educational presentations on domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, human trafficking, sexual harassment, and related topics to schools, churches, businesses, medical staff, law enforcement, and community organizations. Presentations can be tailored to meet specific organization needs.
Provides educational presentations on domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, human trafficking, sexual harassment, and related topics to schools, churches, businesses, medical staff, law enforcement, and community organizations. Presentations can be tailored to meet specific organization needs.
Dating Violence Prevention
Bullying Prevention
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Prevention
Human Trafficking Prevention
Adult Sexual Assault Prevention
Provides educational presentations on domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, human trafficking, sexual harassment, and related topics to schools, churches, businesses, medical staff, law enforcement, and community organizations. Presentations can be tailored to meet specific organization needs.
Provides educational presentations on domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, human trafficking, sexual harassment, and related topics to schools, churches, businesses, medical staff, law enforcement, and community organizations. Presentations can be tailored to meet specific organization needs.
Human Trafficking Prevention
Dating Violence Prevention
Adult Sexual Assault Prevention
Bullying Prevention
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Prevention
Provides educational presentations on domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, human trafficking, sexual harassment, and related topics to schools, churches, businesses, medical staff, law enforcement, and community organizations. Presentations can be tailored to meet specific organization needs.
Provides educational presentations on domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, human trafficking, sexual harassment, and related topics to schools, churches, businesses, medical staff, law enforcement, and community organizations. Presentations can be tailored to meet specific organization needs.
Adult Sexual Assault Prevention
Dating Violence Prevention
Human Trafficking Prevention
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Prevention
Bullying Prevention
Provides educational presentations on domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, sexual harassment, human trafficking, and related topics to schools, churches, businesses, medical staff, law enforcement, and community organizations. Presentations can be tailored to meet specific organization needs.
Provides educational presentations on domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, sexual harassment, human trafficking, and related topics to schools, churches, businesses, medical staff, law enforcement, and community organizations. Presentations can be tailored to meet specific organization needs.
Human Trafficking Prevention
Adult Sexual Assault Prevention
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Prevention
Bullying Prevention
Dating Violence Prevention