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Serves as the decision-making authority in utility regulatory cases. Consumers may file utility complaints directly with the Public Utility Commission (PUC). More often, the PUC becomes involved in resolving consumer disputes after a formal complaint is filed and a contested case proceeding. The commission also has the ability to order a moratorium on utility shut-offs in case of disasters. While consumers may file utility complaints directly with the PUC, it strongly encourages consumers to contact the Vermont Department of Public Service (PSD) for dispute resolution first, as its Consumer Affairs and Public Information division (CAPI) is dedicated to assisting consumers with utility-related issues. PUC does not provide direct financial assistance for bill payment. Currenlty, all public hearings will be held remotely. public information sessions will be on a case-by-case basis. All scheduling conferences, status conferences, oral arguments, and workshops will be held remotely.


Communications Regulation
Utility Disconnection Protection
Public Utility Regulation/Deregulation