1-7 of 7
Sells new and gently used furniture, building supplies, appliances, tools, housewares, and home improvement products. Some sites may include clothing. Accepts donations of used vehicles for scrap. Proceeds help to fund area Habitat for Humanity projects. Cars, trucks, boats, RVs, and motorcycles may be donated for a tax deduction.
Sells new and gently used furniture, building supplies, appliances, tools, housewares, and home improvement products. Some sites may include clothing. Accepts donations of used vehicles for scrap. Proceeds help to fund area Habitat for Humanity projects. Cars, trucks, boats, RVs, and motorcycles may be donated for a tax deduction.
Household Tools/Equipment
Household Goods
Household Tools/Equipment Donation Programs
Low Cost Building Materials/Supplies
Volunteer Recruitment/Placement
Building Materials/Supplies Donation Programs
Automobile Donation Programs
General Clothing Donation Programs
Household Goods Donation Programs
Sells new and gently used furniture, building supplies, appliances, tools, housewares, and home improvement products. Some sites may include clothing. Accepts donations of used vehicles for scrap. Proceeds help to fund area Habitat for Humanity projects. Cars, trucks, boats, RVs, and motorcycles may be donated for a tax deduction.
Sells new and gently used furniture, building supplies, appliances, tools, housewares, and home improvement products. Some sites may include clothing. Accepts donations of used vehicles for scrap. Proceeds help to fund area Habitat for Humanity projects. Cars, trucks, boats, RVs, and motorcycles may be donated for a tax deduction.
Household Tools/Equipment
Household Goods
Household Tools/Equipment Donation Programs
Low Cost Building Materials/Supplies
Volunteer Recruitment/Placement
Building Materials/Supplies Donation Programs
Automobile Donation Programs
General Clothing Donation Programs
Household Goods Donation Programs
Sells new and gently used furniture, building supplies, appliances, tools, housewares, and home improvement products. Some sites may include clothing. Accepts donations of used vehicles for scrap. Proceeds help to fund area Habitat for Humanity projects. Cars, trucks, boats, RVs, and motorcycles may be donated for a tax deduction.
Sells new and gently used furniture, building supplies, appliances, tools, housewares, and home improvement products. Some sites may include clothing. Accepts donations of used vehicles for scrap. Proceeds help to fund area Habitat for Humanity projects. Cars, trucks, boats, RVs, and motorcycles may be donated for a tax deduction.
Household Tools/Equipment
Household Goods
Household Tools/Equipment Donation Programs
Low Cost Building Materials/Supplies
Volunteer Recruitment/Placement
Building Materials/Supplies Donation Programs
Automobile Donation Programs
General Clothing Donation Programs
Household Goods Donation Programs
Provides used clothing, shoes, household items, kitchen items, office supplies, personal care items, pet supplies, small appliances and lamps, outdoor equipment such as shovels and rakes, and baby items. Accepts donations that are clean and in good condition. One visit allowed per week. Families may take up to 25 items per visit and individuals may take up to 15 items per visit. Donations that cannot be accepted: large furniture, electronics, mattresses and bed pillows.
Provides used clothing, shoes, household items, kitchen items, office supplies, personal care items, pet supplies, small appliances and lamps, outdoor equipment such as shovels and rakes, and baby items. Accepts donations that are clean and in good condition. One visit allowed per week. Families may take up to 25 items per visit and individuals may take up to 15 items per visit. Donations that cannot be accepted: large furniture, electronics, mattresses and bed pillows.
Baby Clothing Donation Programs
School Clothing
Personal/Grooming Supplies Donation Programs
General Clothing Donation Programs
Maternity Clothing
Winter Clothing Donation Programs
Personal/Grooming Supplies
Maternity Clothing Donation Programs
Household Goods Donation Programs
Household Tools/Equipment Donation Programs
Children's Clothing Donation Programs
Children's Clothing
Nursing Clothing
General Clothing Provision
Baby Clothing
Plus Size Clothing
Work Clothing
Household Tools/Equipment
Winter Clothing
Household Goods
Pet Care Supplies
Work Clothing Donation Programs
Sells new and gently used furniture, building supplies, appliances, tools, housewares, and home improvement products. Some sites may include clothing. Accepts donations of used vehicles for scrap. Proceeds help to fund area Habitat for Humanity projects. Cars, trucks, boats, RVs, and motorcycles may be donated for a tax deduction.
Sells new and gently used furniture, building supplies, appliances, tools, housewares, and home improvement products. Some sites may include clothing. Accepts donations of used vehicles for scrap. Proceeds help to fund area Habitat for Humanity projects. Cars, trucks, boats, RVs, and motorcycles may be donated for a tax deduction.
Household Tools/Equipment
Household Goods
Household Tools/Equipment Donation Programs
Low Cost Building Materials/Supplies
Volunteer Recruitment/Placement
Building Materials/Supplies Donation Programs
Automobile Donation Programs
General Clothing Donation Programs
Household Goods Donation Programs
Sells new and gently used furniture, building supplies, appliances, tools, housewares, and home improvement products. Some sites may include clothing. Accepts donations of used vehicles for scrap. Proceeds help to fund area Habitat for Humanity projects. Cars, trucks, boats, RVs, and motorcycles may be donated for a tax deduction.
Sells new and gently used furniture, building supplies, appliances, tools, housewares, and home improvement products. Some sites may include clothing. Accepts donations of used vehicles for scrap. Proceeds help to fund area Habitat for Humanity projects. Cars, trucks, boats, RVs, and motorcycles may be donated for a tax deduction.
Household Tools/Equipment
Household Goods
Household Tools/Equipment Donation Programs
Low Cost Building Materials/Supplies
Volunteer Recruitment/Placement
Building Materials/Supplies Donation Programs
Automobile Donation Programs
General Clothing Donation Programs
Household Goods Donation Programs
Sells new and gently used furniture, building supplies, appliances, tools, housewares, and home improvement products. Some sites may include clothing. Accepts donations of used vehicles for scrap. Proceeds help to fund area Habitat for Humanity projects. Cars, trucks, boats, RVs, and motorcycles may be donated for a tax deduction.
Sells new and gently used furniture, building supplies, appliances, tools, housewares, and home improvement products. Some sites may include clothing. Accepts donations of used vehicles for scrap. Proceeds help to fund area Habitat for Humanity projects. Cars, trucks, boats, RVs, and motorcycles may be donated for a tax deduction.
Household Tools/Equipment
Household Goods
Household Tools/Equipment Donation Programs
Low Cost Building Materials/Supplies
Volunteer Recruitment/Placement
Building Materials/Supplies Donation Programs
Automobile Donation Programs
General Clothing Donation Programs
Household Goods Donation Programs