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Offers shower facilities, various material goods, and limited laundry vouchers. Assistance including service coordination.
Offers shower facilities, various material goods, and limited laundry vouchers. Assistance including service coordination.
Household Goods
Laundry Vouchers
Public Showers/Baths
Sells household items, appliances, electronics, and building materials. Provides relief for low-income or disadvantaged people to receive assistance with obtaining essential household items through the use of vouchers. Local services agencies participate in distributing vouchers to individuals in need. Vouchers are available at participating agencies, which are listed on the website. Vouchers can be redeemed at any ReSOURCE retail location for essential goods. Donations accepted during business hours.
Sells household items, appliances, electronics, and building materials. Provides relief for low-income or disadvantaged people to receive assistance with obtaining essential household items through the use of vouchers. Local services agencies participate in distributing vouchers to individuals in need. Vouchers are available at participating agencies, which are listed on the website. Vouchers can be redeemed at any ReSOURCE retail location for essential goods. Donations accepted during business hours.
Household Goods Donation Programs
Low Cost Building Materials/Supplies
General Clothing Donation Programs
Building Materials/Supplies Donation Programs
Thrift Shops
Household Goods
Provides second-hand clothing and household goods, including baby furniture. Availability of clothing types and sizes is dependent upon donations made. Donations should be of gently used clothing, household items, and baby goods in good condition. Information on the clothes closet can found in the news bulletin of the church's website.
Provides second-hand clothing and household goods, including baby furniture. Availability of clothing types and sizes is dependent upon donations made. Donations should be of gently used clothing, household items, and baby goods in good condition. Information on the clothes closet can found in the news bulletin of the church's website.
General Clothing Donation Programs
General Clothing Provision
Household Goods
Thrift Shops
Household Goods Donation Programs
Provides tarps, tents, sleeping bags/blankets, warm clothing, hand warmers and shelf stable foods. Also offers a space for washing up. Will provide start-up items like small household items, bedding, toiletries, and clothing for those leaving homelessness and setting up a home. Assists with accessing community services and resources including flood recovery.
Provides tarps, tents, sleeping bags/blankets, warm clothing, hand warmers and shelf stable foods. Also offers a space for washing up. Will provide start-up items like small household items, bedding, toiletries, and clothing for those leaving homelessness and setting up a home. Assists with accessing community services and resources including flood recovery.
Camping Gear Donation Programs
Public Showers/Baths
Camping Gear
Disaster Related Clothing/Emergency Supplies
Household Goods
General Clothing Provision
Provides free energy efficient appliances and other products to help reduce energy costs. Products may include refrigerators, clothes washers, water heaters, dehumidifiers, and energy-saving products, including low-flow shower heads, faucet aerators, and LEDs. Eligibility is determined through a phone screening from Efficiency Vermont.
Provides free energy efficient appliances and other products to help reduce energy costs. Products may include refrigerators, clothes washers, water heaters, dehumidifiers, and energy-saving products, including low-flow shower heads, faucet aerators, and LEDs. Eligibility is determined through a phone screening from Efficiency Vermont.
Sells household items, appliances, electronics, and building materials. Provides relief for low-income or disadvantaged people to receive assistance with obtaining essential household items through the use of vouchers. Local services agencies participate in distributing vouchers to individuals in need. Vouchers are available at participating agencies, which are listed on the website. Vouchers can be redeemed at any ReSOURCE retail location for essential goods. Donations accepted during business hours.
Sells household items, appliances, electronics, and building materials. Provides relief for low-income or disadvantaged people to receive assistance with obtaining essential household items through the use of vouchers. Local services agencies participate in distributing vouchers to individuals in need. Vouchers are available at participating agencies, which are listed on the website. Vouchers can be redeemed at any ReSOURCE retail location for essential goods. Donations accepted during business hours.
Household Goods Donation Programs
Low Cost Building Materials/Supplies
General Clothing Donation Programs
Building Materials/Supplies Donation Programs
Thrift Shops
Household Goods
Sells new household goods, appliances and electronics at discounted prices. All proceeds support Jenna's Promise
Sells new household goods, appliances and electronics at discounted prices. All proceeds support Jenna's Promise
Household Goods
Sells household items, appliances, electronics, and building materials. Provides relief for low-income or disadvantaged people to receive assistance with obtaining essential household items through the use of vouchers. Local services agencies participate in distributing vouchers to individuals in need. Vouchers are available at participating agencies, which are listed on the website. Vouchers can be redeemed at any ReSOURCE retail location for essential goods. Donations accepted during business hours.
Sells household items, appliances, electronics, and building materials. Provides relief for low-income or disadvantaged people to receive assistance with obtaining essential household items through the use of vouchers. Local services agencies participate in distributing vouchers to individuals in need. Vouchers are available at participating agencies, which are listed on the website. Vouchers can be redeemed at any ReSOURCE retail location for essential goods. Donations accepted during business hours.
Household Goods Donation Programs
Low Cost Building Materials/Supplies
General Clothing Donation Programs
Building Materials/Supplies Donation Programs
Thrift Shops
Household Goods
Offers new and used clothing, furniture, and household goods. Vouchers are available through other Listen programs. Telephone for Clothing Vouchers
Offers new and used clothing, furniture, and household goods. Vouchers are available through other Listen programs. Telephone for Clothing Vouchers
Thrift Shops
Clothing Vouchers
Household Goods
General Clothing Donation Programs
Household Goods Donation Programs
Offers new and used clothing, furniture, and household goods. Vouchers are available through other Listen programs. Telephone for Clothing Vouchers
Offers new and used clothing, furniture, and household goods. Vouchers are available through other Listen programs. Telephone for Clothing Vouchers
Thrift Shops
Clothing Vouchers
Household Goods
General Clothing Donation Programs
Household Goods Donation Programs
Sells donated new and used clothing and household items, including furniture, appliances, and electronics. Profits support HOPE's poverty relief programs. Accepts donations of new and used clothing, furniture, and household items in excellent condition. Entrance is at the back of the building.
Sells donated new and used clothing and household items, including furniture, appliances, and electronics. Profits support HOPE's poverty relief programs. Accepts donations of new and used clothing, furniture, and household items in excellent condition. Entrance is at the back of the building.
Thrift Shops
General Clothing Donation Programs
Household Goods
Household Goods Donation Programs
Provides new and/or used clothing and household goods. Also provides free clothing and household goods to families in need and new Americans. Located in the white building behind the synagogue. Shalom Shuk accepts donations of gently used clothing, jewelry, and small household goods. Thrift shop vouchers are available from community service providers.
Provides new and/or used clothing and household goods. Also provides free clothing and household goods to families in need and new Americans. Located in the white building behind the synagogue. Shalom Shuk accepts donations of gently used clothing, jewelry, and small household goods. Thrift shop vouchers are available from community service providers.
Household Goods Donation Programs
Thrift Shops
Household Goods
General Clothing Donation Programs
Provides new and/or used clothing and household goods. All proceeds benefit community support programs.
Provides new and/or used clothing and household goods. All proceeds benefit community support programs.
General Clothing Donation Programs
Household Goods Donation Programs
Household Goods
Thrift Shops
Provides free clothing and household items. Provision of personal/grooming supplies is dependent upon availability. Donations are not being accepted. Usual Items in the swap room include baby clothes, baby furniture, books, shoes, men's and women's clothes, blankets, and more.
Provides free clothing and household items. Provision of personal/grooming supplies is dependent upon availability. Donations are not being accepted. Usual Items in the swap room include baby clothes, baby furniture, books, shoes, men's and women's clothes, blankets, and more.
General Clothing Provision
Household Goods
Household Goods Donation Programs
Baby Clothing Donation Programs
General Clothing Donation Programs
Baby Clothing
Offers gently-worn secondhand clothing, linens, housewares, furniture, antiques, collectables, and jewelry. TheThrift Shop accepts direct donations from the public. Clothing and linen donations must be clean and stain-free.
Offers gently-worn secondhand clothing, linens, housewares, furniture, antiques, collectables, and jewelry. TheThrift Shop accepts direct donations from the public. Clothing and linen donations must be clean and stain-free.
Household Goods
General Clothing Donation Programs
Thrift Shops
Household Goods Donation Programs
Provides clothing vouchers for low income children and adults. Also provides vouchers for basic, essential furniture and household goods to low income households who have experienced a disaster or who are moving out of homelessness and have no household furnishings. Vouchers are redeemable at HOPE's resale store.
Provides clothing vouchers for low income children and adults. Also provides vouchers for basic, essential furniture and household goods to low income households who have experienced a disaster or who are moving out of homelessness and have no household furnishings. Vouchers are redeemable at HOPE's resale store.
Provides used clothing, shoes, household items, kitchen items, office supplies, personal care items, pet supplies, small appliances and lamps, outdoor equipment such as shovels and rakes, and baby items. Accepts donations that are clean and in good condition. One visit allowed per week. Families may take up to 25 items per visit and individuals may take up to 15 items per visit. Donations that cannot be accepted: large furniture, electronics, mattresses and bed pillows.
Provides used clothing, shoes, household items, kitchen items, office supplies, personal care items, pet supplies, small appliances and lamps, outdoor equipment such as shovels and rakes, and baby items. Accepts donations that are clean and in good condition. One visit allowed per week. Families may take up to 25 items per visit and individuals may take up to 15 items per visit. Donations that cannot be accepted: large furniture, electronics, mattresses and bed pillows.
General Clothing Provision
Nursing Clothing
General Clothing Donation Programs
Household Goods
Personal/Grooming Supplies Donation Programs
School Clothing
Winter Clothing Donation Programs
Maternity Clothing
Baby Clothing
Work Clothing
Children's Clothing
Baby Clothing Donation Programs
Plus Size Clothing
Winter Clothing
Children's Clothing Donation Programs
Household Tools/Equipment Donation Programs
Household Tools/Equipment
Pet Care Supplies
Maternity Clothing Donation Programs
Household Goods Donation Programs
Work Clothing Donation Programs
Personal/Grooming Supplies
Sells new and gently used furniture, building supplies, appliances, tools, and home improvement products. Accepts donations of used vehicles for scrap. Proceeds help to fund area Habitat for Humanity projects.
Sells new and gently used furniture, building supplies, appliances, tools, and home improvement products. Accepts donations of used vehicles for scrap. Proceeds help to fund area Habitat for Humanity projects.
Household Goods
Volunteer Recruitment/Placement
Household Tools/Equipment Donation Programs
Household Tools/Equipment
General Clothing Donation Programs
Household Goods Donation Programs
Low Cost Building Materials/Supplies
Building Materials/Supplies Donation Programs
Automobile Donation Programs
Operates a thrift store with clothing, furniture, and household items. Clothing vouchers may be obtained from human services organizations.
Operates a thrift store with clothing, furniture, and household items. Clothing vouchers may be obtained from human services organizations.
Thrift Shops
Household Goods
Household Goods Donation Programs
General Clothing Donation Programs
Sells new and gently used furniture, building supplies, appliances, tools, and home improvement products. Accepts donations of used vehicles for scrap. Proceeds help to fund area Habitat for Humanity projects.
Sells new and gently used furniture, building supplies, appliances, tools, and home improvement products. Accepts donations of used vehicles for scrap. Proceeds help to fund area Habitat for Humanity projects.
Household Goods
Volunteer Recruitment/Placement
Household Tools/Equipment Donation Programs
Household Tools/Equipment
General Clothing Donation Programs
Household Goods Donation Programs
Low Cost Building Materials/Supplies
Building Materials/Supplies Donation Programs
Automobile Donation Programs
Provides new and/or used clothing and household goods. Also provides free clothing to families in need. Provides free clothing to individuals and families in need. Donations of clean, gently used clothing accepted during store hours.
Provides new and/or used clothing and household goods. Also provides free clothing to families in need. Provides free clothing to individuals and families in need. Donations of clean, gently used clothing accepted during store hours.
Household Goods Donation Programs
General Clothing Provision
Thrift Shops
General Clothing Donation Programs
Household Goods
Offers clothing and small household items at reasonable prices. Accepts vouchers from Joint Urban Ministry Project (JUMP).
Offers clothing and small household items at reasonable prices. Accepts vouchers from Joint Urban Ministry Project (JUMP).
Thrift Shops
General Clothing Donation Programs
Household Goods
Provides clean, gently-used secondhand clothing and small household items. Availability of types and sizes is dependent upon donations made. Available within the Giving Closet is a small food cupboard offering shelf stable provisions. Donations accepted by appointment only during regular store hours on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Accepts donations of gently-used items in good repair as well as food items. The Giving Closet is located on the second floor of the Town Office Building.
Provides clean, gently-used secondhand clothing and small household items. Availability of types and sizes is dependent upon donations made. Available within the Giving Closet is a small food cupboard offering shelf stable provisions. Donations accepted by appointment only during regular store hours on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Accepts donations of gently-used items in good repair as well as food items. The Giving Closet is located on the second floor of the Town Office Building.
Household Goods Donation Programs
Food Donation Programs
Household Goods
Food Pantries
General Clothing Provision
General Clothing Donation Programs
Sells new and gently used furniture, building supplies, appliances, tools, and home improvement products. Accepts donations of used vehicles for scrap. Proceeds help to fund area Habitat for Humanity projects.
Sells new and gently used furniture, building supplies, appliances, tools, and home improvement products. Accepts donations of used vehicles for scrap. Proceeds help to fund area Habitat for Humanity projects.
Household Goods
Volunteer Recruitment/Placement
Household Tools/Equipment Donation Programs
Household Tools/Equipment
General Clothing Donation Programs
Household Goods Donation Programs
Low Cost Building Materials/Supplies
Building Materials/Supplies Donation Programs
Automobile Donation Programs
Provides new and/or used clothing and household goods. Also provides free clothing and household goods to families in need.
Provides new and/or used clothing and household goods. Also provides free clothing and household goods to families in need.
General Clothing Donation Programs
General Clothing Provision
Household Goods
Thrift Shops
Clothing Vouchers
Household Goods Donation Programs