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Provides funding which includes assistance for utility shut-offs, security deposits, back rent, fuel assistance, car repairs for vehicles needed for work and/or medical appointments and livability-related home repairs for veterans who are homeowners. Other services include individual advocacy, information about other service providers, connecting combat veterans with PTSD to services, as well as helping to obtain a service animal.
Provides funding which includes assistance for utility shut-offs, security deposits, back rent, fuel assistance, car repairs for vehicles needed for work and/or medical appointments and livability-related home repairs for veterans who are homeowners. Other services include individual advocacy, information about other service providers, connecting combat veterans with PTSD to services, as well as helping to obtain a service animal.
Automotive Repair and Maintenance
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Service Animal Purchase Assistance
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
Heating Fuel Payment Assistance
Water Service Payment Assistance
Rental Deposit Assistance
Homelessness Prevention Programs
Individual Advocacy
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Provides individualized, comprehensive care to Veterans who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless through a dedicated call center and chat services, and a Health Care for Homeless Veterans (HCHV) Coordinator. The terms Health Care for Homeless Veterans (HCHV) and Homeless Veterans Healthline can be misleading. The services provided are not limited to health care, but also include housing.
Provides individualized, comprehensive care to Veterans who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless through a dedicated call center and chat services, and a Health Care for Homeless Veterans (HCHV) Coordinator. The terms Health Care for Homeless Veterans (HCHV) and Homeless Veterans Healthline can be misleading. The services provided are not limited to health care, but also include housing.
Homelessness Prevention Programs
Provides prevention and rapid re-housing assistance for Veterans and their families to help them obtain or retain stable housing. Program includes needs assessment, intensive case management, and financial and housing counseling. May also provide referrals to, and assistance with, other Veteran benefits and programs in the community.
Provides prevention and rapid re-housing assistance for Veterans and their families to help them obtain or retain stable housing. Program includes needs assessment, intensive case management, and financial and housing counseling. May also provide referrals to, and assistance with, other Veteran benefits and programs in the community.
Homelessness Prevention Programs
Rapid Re-Housing Programs
Specialized Information and Referral
Transitional housing supportive services offered are: case management that includes treatment plans, assistance obtaining permanent housing, benefits counseling, legal advise and community referrals; employment and training that includes career counseling, job placement and training; outreach that includes access to food pantries and general clothing providers; and referrals to community resources. Also operates a shelter in Bradford, VT.
Transitional housing supportive services offered are: case management that includes treatment plans, assistance obtaining permanent housing, benefits counseling, legal advise and community referrals; employment and training that includes career counseling, job placement and training; outreach that includes access to food pantries and general clothing providers; and referrals to community resources. Also operates a shelter in Bradford, VT.
Community Shelters
Case/Care Management
Rapid Re-Housing Programs
Homeless Diversion Programs
Homelessness Prevention Programs
Transitional Housing/Shelter