Hears appeals of decisions by the Agency of Natural Resources including state land use permit decisions and state environmental permits. Also hears appeals from municipal land use zoning and planning decisions, as well as municipal land use enforcement cases, and enforcement actions brought by the Agency of Natural Resources and Natural Resources Board. Visit website for Environmental Division Mediator List. Although the Division is located in Burlington, it hears trials throughout the state. The Division conducts most early hearings by telephone, unless the judge would like to have parties in court or there is evidence to present.
Last Assured
Physical Address
32 Cherry Street, Suite 213, Burlington, VT 05401
Monday-Friday: 8:00am-4:30pm
Application process
By Telephone; By Website; Information On Website
Fees Vary
Service area
Agency info
The Vermont Judiciary encompasses the entire state court system and provides the public with services they need to access the courts and understand court operations in Vermont. The Vermont court system is administered by the Supreme Court. The court administrator, the administrative judge for trial courts, and court-appointed boards and committees assist the Supreme Court by seeing that administrative policies adopted by the court are carried out. Each county has a Superior Court, which is divided into four separate divisions: Civil, Criminal, Family, and Probate. There also is a statewide Environmental Division based in Burlington, which meets in various locations statewide. Statewide jurisdiction over civil violations is provided through the Judicial Bureau.