Administers a six-week work opportunity program for employers and job seekers to work together toward a successful job match. In return for reduced payroll expenses, the employer agrees to provide training and support to the incoming worker. During the assessment period the employer pays only the hourly wage. At the completion of the six-week training and assessment period, if the match is successful, the employer adds the worker to the regular payroll. Services to job seekers include providing information about employment rights, accommodations, and resources; job skills training, and job search assistance. Services to businesses include providing education and awareness of issues involved in working with individuals who have disabilities, job assessment for accommodations, help in strategizing ways to retain employees who become disabled while in their employ, and consultation on job descriptions, interview techniques, and other employment areas in which disability issues arise. VABIR is a partner of HireAbility Vermont.
Last Assured
Physical Address
75 Talcott Road, Suite 70, Williston, VT 05495
Monday-Friday: 8:00am-4:30pm
(802) 288-9697
Application process
By Telephone; Visit Website for Regional Office Contacts
Individuals with Disabilities; Prospective Employers
Service area
Orange County, Vermont Rutland County, Vermont Addison County, Vermont Grand Isle County, Vermont Bennington County, Vermont Essex County, Vermont Orleans County, Vermont Windsor County, Vermont Lamoille County, Vermont Chittenden County, Vermont Washington County, Vermont Caledonia County, Vermont Windham County, Vermont Franklin County, Vermont
Agency info
VABIR (Vermont Association of Business, Industry and Rehabilitation) is a statewide non-profit agency working to assist Vermonters with disabilities who face barriers in finding gainful employment. VABIR services are offered from 12 regional offices in Vermont.