

Coordinates/Provides transportation to medical appointments, as well as dental, vision, counseling, Fair Hearing, prescription pick-up, and other covered transportation services for eligible Medicaid recipients. Offers volunteer driving opportunities in Windham County. Hardship Reimbursement pays for a portion of medical transportation mileage; must be traveling over 50 miles each week or over 215 miles each month. To volunteer to provide rides, call for an application or visit website.

Last Assured


Physical Address

706 Rockingham Road, Rockingham, VT 05101


Monday-Friday: 7:45am-4:30pm; Service Hours: Monday-Friday: By Appointment; Not available on holidays


(802) 460-7433

Other | Schedule or Plan a ride/trip


(802) 460-7433

Other | Dispatcher


(802) 460-1004


(888) 869-6287

Toll-Free | Schedule or Plan a ride/trip

Application process

By Telephone 48 Hours in advance for local trips; Long distance trips require prior approval from Vermont Department of Vermont Health Access; Referrals Accepted




Individuals enrolled in the traditional Medicaid program or in the Primary Care Plus managed care program who have transportation eligibility; Individuals enrolled in Medicaid using a car (or being transported by a household member) may be eligible for Hardship Reimbursement for mileage

Service area

Rockingham, Vermont South Reading, Vermont Putney, Vermont South Dorset, Vermont Brownsville, Vermont Bellows Falls, Vermont Dover, Vermont West Halifax, Vermont Saxtons River, Vermont South Windham, Vermont Weston, Vermont Somerset, Vermont Londonderry, Vermont Searsburg, Vermont Marlboro, Vermont Wardsboro, Vermont Reading, Vermont Ascutney, Vermont Windham, Vermont South Newfane, Vermont East Dover, Vermont Athens, Vermont Guilford, Vermont Wilmington, Vermont West Dover, Vermont Weathersfield Center, Vermont North Springfield, Vermont Newfane, Vermont Westminster Station, Vermont Readsboro, Vermont Brookline, Vermont Andover, Vermont Townshend, Vermont West Wardsboro, Vermont Plymouth, Vermont East Dummerston, Vermont Chester, Vermont Ludlow, Vermont Whitingham, Vermont Westminster, Vermont Weathersfield Bow, Vermont Jacksonville, Vermont Jamaica, Vermont Weathersfield, Vermont West Townshend, Vermont Vernon, Vermont West Dummerston, Vermont South Londonderry, Vermont Brattleboro, Vermont Grafton, Vermont Cavendish, Vermont Dummerston, Vermont Baltimore, Vermont West Brattleboro, Vermont West Marlboro, Vermont Windsor, Vermont Halifax, Vermont Springfield, Vermont

Agency info


The MOOver is a public transportation provider serving parts of the Deerfield Valley of Vermont with connecting service to Brattleboro, Readsboro and Bennington. Services include fixed local routes and free demand-responsive transportation for seniors and individuals with disabilities. They also provide medicaid-eligible transportation.