Provides a warmline which promotes safety in intimate partner relationships by identifying abusive behaviors and thoughts. The warmline offers preventive measures to those causing harm or individuals that feel impacted by domestic violence. The warmline is NOT a crisis line. Calls are confidential, not recorded, or given to outside agencies. Also open to professionals working with people who have used violence in their relationships, high school or college students with questions about safety in their relationships, or concerned family members.
Last Assured
Physical Address
79 Coventry Street, Newport, VT 05855
7Days: 10:00am-10:00pm; Voicemails/Emails returned in 24 hours
Application process
By Email, By Telephone; Information on Website
Any individual causing violence (physical, emotional, verbal, or other) or at risk of causing violence in their relationship either for the first time or a repeated time.
Service area
Essex County, Vermont Orleans County, Vermont Caledonia County, Vermont
Agency info
Umbrella is a non-profit domestic and sexual violence prevention and intervention organization providing a 24-hour crisis hotline, a violence prevention warmline, individual advocacy, emergency shelter, and assistance with filing relief from abuse orders in Caledonia, Essex and Orleans Counties. Umbrella also provides community information and education around issues of domestic and sexual violence, including human trafficking, and provides a supervised visitation program. Umbrella's Kingdom Child Care Connection offers child care resource and referral services to Caledonia, Essex and Orleans Counties and its Cornucopia program provides a trauma-informed culinary job skills training program for women with barriers to employment.