Provides onsite coordinated primary care, mental health services, and wellness services at participating schools. Health care services include physical examinations, sports examinations, immunizations, hearing and vision examinations, and health screenings. Information for health maintenance such as nutrition, weight programs, resources to reduce at-risk teen behaviors such as pregnancies, sexually transmitted diseases, and substance use are also offered. HealthHUB sites are the district schools during the school year and Gifford Health Care during school holidays and summer vacation, with a two-week dental hygiene summer residency at Chelsea Health Center.
Last Assured
Physical Address
Hours Vary
Application process
By Telephone; Appointment Required
Fixed Fee
Children Birth to Age 19
Service area
East Orange, Vermont North Strafford, Vermont Strafford, Vermont North Tunbridge, Vermont Washington, Vermont Orange, Vermont South Strafford, Vermont Tunbridge, Vermont Chelsea, Vermont South Tunbridge, Vermont Stockbridge, Vermont South Royalton, Vermont Rochester, Vermont Williamstown, Vermont Bethel, Vermont
Agency info
HealthHUB provides school and community based medical, mental health, and dental hygiene services to children from preschool through high school, with expanded dental hygiene services to adults. HealthHUB serves the towns of Bethel, Chelsea, Orange, Randolph, Rochester, Sharon, South Royalton, Stockbridge, Strafford, Tunbridge, Washington, and WIlliamstown, Vermont. HealthHUB sites are the district schools during the school year and Gifford Health Care during school holidays and summer vacation, with a two-week dental hygiene summer residency at Chelsea Health Center.