Offers a place-based education program that uses treasure hunts to celebrate community by connecting participants to natural, historical, and cultural sites, stories, and special places in the Greater Upper Valley, for both primary education and adult community education.
Last Assured
Physical Address
195 North Main Street, White River Junction, VT 05001
Monday-Friday: 9:00am-5:00pm
Application process
By Telephone; In Person; By Website
Service area
Cavendish, Vermont Springfield, Vermont North Tunbridge, Vermont East Ryegate, Vermont South Reading, Vermont West Hartford, Vermont Barnard, Vermont Rockingham, Vermont Washington, Vermont Windsor, Vermont Chelsea, Vermont Norwich, Vermont East Corinth, Vermont Thetford, Vermont East Randolph, Vermont Chester, Vermont Ryegate, Vermont South Tunbridge, Vermont Hartland, Vermont Vershire, Vermont North Strafford, Vermont Topsham, Vermont South Woodstock, Vermont Randolph Center, Vermont Bradford, Vermont Westminster, Vermont Corinth, Vermont South Ryegate, Vermont Strafford, Vermont Newbury, Vermont Tunbridge, Vermont Woodstock, Vermont South Strafford, Vermont Weathersfield, Vermont West Topsham, Vermont West Fairlee, Vermont Chester Depot, Vermont North Springfield, Vermont North Thetford, Vermont South Pomfret, Vermont North Pomfret, Vermont Westminster West, Vermont Randolph, Vermont Thetford Center, Vermont Hartland Four Corners, Vermont Sharon, Vermont Fairlee, Vermont Reading, Vermont South Royalton, Vermont Weathersfield Bow, Vermont Hartford, Vermont Bridgewater Corners, Vermont Weathersfield Center, Vermont Westminster Station, Vermont South Newbury, Vermont Royalton, Vermont West Windsor, Vermont West Ryegate, Vermont Baltimore, Vermont Pomfret, Vermont Grafton, Vermont Bridgewater, Vermont North Hartland, Vermont Bethel, Vermont
Agency info
Vital Communities is a regional nonprofit organization that engages citizens, organizations, and communities in creating solutions to regional challenges in the Greater Upper Valley region of Vermont and New Hampshire. Areas of focus include local agriculture, economy, transportation, energy, leadership, and community engagement.