

Administers the Meals on Wheels program. Registers and enrolls eligible individuals for meals and coordinates delivery schedules with volunteers. Meals are fully cooked and delivered refrigerated for reheating. Special diets are accommodated. Can accommodate special dietary requests to deliver meals that are heart healthy, diabetic friendly, renal friendly, lactose free, vegetarian (lacto-ovo), gluten free, and mechanical soft or pureed. Upon registration for Meals on Wheels (MOW), enrollees will receive information on the delivery schedule. Each meal recipient is assessed for further needs, benefits eligibility and/ or referrals.

Last Assured


Physical Address

228 Main Street, Saint Albans, VT 05478


Monday-Friday: 8:30am-4:30pm


(800) 642-5119

Other | Senior Helpline

Application process

By Telephone; Information On Website


Donations Accepted


Homebound adults age 60 and older who are affected by either one of the following: temporary or permanent incapacity due to illness, advancing age and/or nutritionally at risk because they cannot always purchase adequate foodstuffs or cannot prepare meals. Individuals with disabilities under age 60 referred by the Vermont Center for Independent Living.

Service area

Chittenden County, Vermont Addison County, Vermont Franklin County, Vermont Grand Isle County, Vermont

Agency info


Age Well is a non-profit senior services organization that plans, develops and coordinates comprehensive services for older adults in support of their independence, self choice, and well being in Chittenden, Franklin, Grand Isle Counties, and Addison County (excluding towns of Hancock and Granville). Services include, but are not limited to, information and referral assistance, case/care management, nutrition services, healthy living programs, health insurance counseling, hoarding issues, and support for caregivers.