

Provides service coordination, family supports, shared living arrangements, residential crisis services, respite support, community supports, employment supports, personal care services, medical coordination, psychiatric services, medical in-service and care-giver training, and financial management. Each person is served by a team that includes a service coordinator, nurse, guardian, support staff, and family members. Lincoln Street is a Specialized Service Agency, designated by Vermont's Department of Aging and Independent Living.

Last Assured


Physical Address

374 River Street, Springfield, VT 05156


Administrative Hours: Monday-Friday: 8:00am-4:00pm; Service hours vary to accommodate client's needs


(802) 886-1835

Application process

By Telephone; By Website


Individual must be diagnosed with an Intellectual/Developmental disability prior to the age of 18, accompanied by deficits in two or more areas of adaptive behavior skills; or an individual must have been diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder prior to age 18, accompanied by deficits in two or more areas in adaptive skills; Individual's needs must meet a current funding priority within the System of Care Plan, as identified by Vermont Department of Disabilities, Aging and Independent Living (DAIL).

Service area

Windham County, Vermont Windsor County, Vermont

Agency info


Lincoln Street is a non-profit agency providing support and services to individuals with developmental disabilities in Windham and Windsor Counties. Services may include coordination of a number of appropriate services, family supports, shared living arrangements, residential crisis services, respite support, community support, employment support, personal care services, medical coordination, psychiatric services, medical in-service training, and financial management. Services are available to adults, children, and their families.