

Provides community food shelf services. Personal care items may be available depending on donations. Also offers seasonal Farm to Family coupons that can be used at farmers markets and farm stands, and free seed packets for summer garden plantings. Provides Thanksgiving turkey or other protein and extra food supplies for the holiday in Newport and St. Johnsbury. Helps individuals and families apply for food benefits. Farm to Family Coupon Application and Distribution: First come, first served, starting the first week day in July every year. Coupons can only be redeemed at staffed farmstands, coupons can not be left at unstaffed farmstands that utilize a drop box. Thanksgiving Food Basket program is offered at the NEKCA Newport site and the NEKCA Saint Johnsbury site. Food shelf services are available every day, but turkeys for Thanksgiving are distributed on a first-come, first-served basis for as long as the supply lasts.

Last Assured


Physical Address

115 Lincoln Street, Saint Johnsbury, VT 05819


Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 12Noon-3:00pm


(855) 663-5224

Toll-Free | 1-855-6-NEKCA-4


(802) 323-7119

Other | Food Shelf - Leave Message

Application process

In Person; Sign up by November 1st for Thanksgiving basket either in person at a food shelf or by calling

Service area

Wells River, Vermont Essex County, Vermont Caledonia County, Vermont Orleans County, Vermont

Agency info


NEKCA (Northeast Kingdom Community Action) is a regional community action agency that provides low-income residents in Caledonia, Essex, and Orleans Counties with a continuum of case management services, advocacy, and assistance services to support economic independence. NEKCA provides Parent Child Centers that provide a wide range of education and support services for families with children in the Northeast Kingdom. Childhood education services include the Preschool Program and Infant/Toddler Care Programs. Parent education and support services include classes, workshops, support groups, playgroups, family support home visits. Also provided are support services for young parents enrolled in the Reach Up Program. Community services include emergency food shelves; emergency fuel assistance; homeless service; homelessness prevention; free tax filing assistance; budget counseling; holiday assistance, as well as youth services.