

Provides rapid access to community-based housing. Services include housing search and placement, temporary financial assistance with rent and/or access to permanent housing subsidies, and intensive support services geared to the needs of individual households. Permanent supportive housing services include mental health and substance use supports from a multi-disciplinary team. Coordinated Entry Providers for Housing First: Addison County: Charter House: (802) 458-1683 Bennington County: BROC: (802) 445-1321 Chittenden County: CVOEO: (802) 863-6248 Franklin County: CVOEO: (802) 527-7392 Lamoille County: Capstone Community Action: 1-(800)-639-8710 or (802) 888-7993 Orange/Windsor North: Upper Valley Haven: (802) 295-6500 Rutland County: Homeless Prevention Center: [email protected] Washington County: Capstone Community Action: (800) 639-1053 or (802) 479-1053 Windham County: Brattleboro Area: Groundworks Collaborative: (802) 257-5415 Windsor South/Windham North: Springfield Supported Housing: (802) 885-3034

Last Assured


Physical Address


Monday-Friday: 9:00am-4:00pm


(855) 362-2766


(888) 492-8218

Toll-Free | Main Phone Line


(833) 888-2557

Other | Voice and Text

Application process

By Telephone or By Email to a Coordinated Entry Provider


Referrals are made through the local Coordinated Entry system for persons and households experiencing homelessness

Service area

Chittenden County, Vermont Bennington County, Vermont Franklin County, Vermont Windham County, Vermont Rutland County, Vermont Washington County, Vermont Windsor County, Vermont Lamoille County, Vermont Addison County, Vermont

Agency info


Pathways Vermont is a non-profit organization whose mission is to end homelessness and provide innovative mental health alternatives. Pathways offers Housing First services through permanent supportive housing and rapid rehousing teams. Pathways Vermont offers connection with peers who have experienced their own mental health challenges via a 24/7 Support Line or in-person at its Community Center in Burlington. The agency also offers a 5-bed medium-term hospital diversion residence for individuals experiencing early episode psychosis. In addition, it provides a short-term peer respite residence, Rosewoood Cottage.